We have full customizability of currencies in Cevoid so that you can match your currency and price settings to match the currency to what you have on your website.
Navigate to Settings > Products and markets
Click the 3 dots (...) on the market you want to change
Click Edit
Open the Currency options
Edit the Currency options
Click Save changes
Available currency options
Hide prices - Toggle if you want to hide the prices completely on this market
Currency display - How the currency should be displayed eg. (USD or $)
Currency position - Before or after the numerical price
Display 2 decimals - Toggle if you want decimals to be displayed with 2 decimal accuracies. ($43.50 vs $43.5)
Decimal delimiter - The symbol used to separate decimals (comma or period)
Thousand separator - The symbol used to separate thousands (space, comma or period)
Round prices - Should the prices be rounded on the current market? $4385.30 becomes $4387.00
Pro tip: Use the currency preview to the right of the settings to see how your prices will look for real!