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How do I set-up my Check-in Kiosk?

Here's a guide on how to set-up your front desk kiosk for athlete check-ins

Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

If you have a tablet at the front desk for athlete's to check-in, here's how to set-up the kiosk and manage it's features.

Getting Started

  • On your tablet, download the Chalk It Pro app from your App Store

  • Sign-in

  • Go to Class Schedule

  • At the top of the Class Schedule, you'll see the button for Kiosk Mode

How do athlete's check-in?

When athletes reserve for a class, their name will show on that class. They simply tap their name and click "Check-In".

Can I manually check someone in through the kiosk?

Yes, hit the "+" button in the bottom right

After selecting the class you wish to manually check-in to, it will give you two options:

  • Option 1 - "Search for a member or lead name to check-in"

    • This option will allow you to search for athletes that have a membership with access to this class. Remember, classes are given access by membership. If they don't have a membership that allows access to that class, they can't be checked in. There's currently no manual override for this.

  • Option 2 - "Add a Name Manually"

    • This option is simply a placeholder to take a spot up in class for a person who isn't in CHIP yet or doesn't have a membership that grants access to the class and you want to give them a freebee. This won't affect membership limits or attendance reports as it's just a placeholder for class limits

. Can I show certain data on the check-in Kiosk?

Yes, you can, here are some things you can show on the kiosk:

Access this menu by clicking:

Can I lock the screen so people can't go snooping in my Admin profile?

Yes, simply click:

Enter your password to lock the screen.

Reenter your password to unlock the screen.

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