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Admin/Coach FAQ
Admin/Coach FAQ

FAQ Specific to Admins and Coaches

Where can I see all my members and memberships in one place?
What are Tracks?
Maximizing Calendar for Tracking Tasks
What are tags and how can I use them?
How do I set-up my Check-in Kiosk?
How do I run an attendance report for one member?
How do I run a report for coached classes?
How do I keep track of attendance for check-in clubs?
How do I track no shows and cancellations?
How do I track attendance?
Can I live stream my class?
Can I add videos to Chalk It Pro?
Where do I find birthdays and anniversary dates?
How do I set-up and manage remote training clients?
What is the best practice to set-up and manage Personal Training (PT) clients?
How do I manage gift card sales?
How do I merge duplicate accounts?
How do I calculate payroll for my coaches?
Can I do a pre-order through the store?
What's the difference between Banners and Announcements?
Where can members list their emergency contacts?
What are leads?
Are drop-ins members or leads?
Can I create custom body measurement categories?
What are QR codes used for?
How do I get new members into the app?
Sub Accounts and Kids Profiles
How do I make a member a Coach or Admin?
Creating a Questionnaire
Status Notes for members now visible on downloadable Detail View
Automatically Assigning a Tag via Membership
Preventing mistyped emails and duplicate accounts
Total Athletes by Track
Updating, Cancelling, or Transferring your Chalk It Pro Account
Does CHIP have Mass Communication and CRM abilities?
Can we add notes to member accounts?
My Chalk It Pro plan got cancelled, what happened?
Filter options in Members Detail View

How do I upgrade or downgrade memberships during a billing cycle?
What's the difference between linking payment and Sub Accounts?
What happens when I change prices on memberships, store items, taxes, and discounts?
Adding a Free Trial to roll right into a paid membership
What are billing cycles and intervals?
Can I force an invoice payment through?
How do I record cash payments for Memberships?
How do I add a coupon to existing membership?
Suspend, Inactive, Payment Issue, and Delete Members
Can we see future payments?
Can I set-up a multiple drop-in plan?
Can we surcharge for processing fees with Stripe?
Can I add a set-up fee for memberships?
How do I see my billing report?
How to I track ARM (Average Revenue per Member)?
Can I set-up a one-time invoice to be billed in the future?
Can I create links to purchase memberships?
Can I offer ACH payments?
How do I create a one class free trial?
How do I refund a paid invoice?
How do I prevent specific athlete's from purchasing from the store?
How do I renew an athlete's punchcard?
How do I link one payment account for multiple profiles?
How do I adjust the billing cycle date?
How do I prorate a membership?
How do I charge a New Customer?
How do I create a single Invoice?
Logging Transactions (Cash, Check, etc) Paid Outside of Stripe in Chalk It Pro
How do I pause or cancel a Membership?
Invoice 'Payment Note' visible on Invoices list
Creating a member account will auto-populate mandatory billing information fields
Can I adjust the hold end date?
How do I reactivate an expired punchcard?
Do clients need to have their billing information in the system?
Can you defer billing?
Can I offer discounts and coupons?