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Identify brands that fit your unique business needs by using a wide selection of eCommerce specific filters.

Written by Andrew
Updated over a week ago

The Prospector page allows you to surface your ideal target brands by utilizing a number of eCom specific filters. You can leverage the results in platform using lists, or export the information to use with other tools. Below we highlight the key functions of Prospector and how to use them to surface and track your best fit targets. For additional information view our Prospector FAQ

Preset Filters

These filters allow you to surface popular segments of brands using pre-built criteria. You can find additional information on the presets here.

Brand Filters

Charm has 68 different filters to help segment out your ideal brands. You can access them by clicking + Add Filter.

Select relevant filters based on 5 categories: Brand, Store, Social, Distribution, and Tech. Click here for the full list of available filters: Brand Filter Glossary

Once you have your filters in place, click "Apply Filters" to view the results.

Including/Excluding Static Lists

Prospector allows you to layer additional filters on existing lists or exclude lists that you'd like to keep out of your results. This only works with static lists - more on lists here

Each of the boxes will auto-populate a dropdown of all of your available lists or allow you to search for a list by name.

Brand Results

Once you've filtered out your target brands you'll be able to take action on the data in a few ways:

Change the viewable columns

Clicking the Change columns button provides a list of fields that you can select to view directly in the brand results. Certain columns allow you to sort the data.


The Prospector allows for one-click exporting of all brand data. When you click the export button the platform will automatically begin exporting up to 50,000 records. You will receive an email with a download link to access the files - every export will come with three CSV files: brand data, contact data, and a Charm definitions document.

Note - if you export a list of over 50,000 brands the download will include the first 50,000 brands in the results. If you need assistance with exporting a larger list, send a request to

Add to list

With any search you run in Prospector, you'll have the ability to add the results to an existing list or create a brand new

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