Let's take the first steps to make payroll days easier. First, Chronotek creates a Payroll Snapshot of the pay period hours calculated for regular and overtime hours for any pay period. Simply export the snapshot into the ADP Workforce Now format for an easy upload of the calculated hours.
Follow this outline for the one-time setup, payroll snapshot prep, and exporting to an ADP Workforce Now file. All you need to do next is import the file into the ADP portal.
One-Time Setup:
ADP Company Code
My Account > Company Settings > set External Code 1 as your ADP identifier > Save
Get this company code from your ADP representative.
ADP Employee ID Codes
List Maintenance > Employees > select each employee and go to the Advanced tab > enter the ADP payroll ID in External code 1 > Save. (you might be able to use External Code 2 - contact Chronotek support)
Default Pay Types
Snapshot Settings > Payroll Settings > Default Pay Types for regular and overtime.
All three types must be filled in for the snapshot.
ADP exports are column-based, so use any name you wish to set up your company default regular and overtime Earnings codes (ex. REG, OT, OT2.)
What day of the week does your company use to start calculating overtime?
Go to Work Week Settings (tab). Select the day your Work Week Starts (Sunday at 12:00am is the default setting).
Do you have expanded overtime settings?
Select any Expanded Overtime Settings your state requires > Save.
If you need to split time cards across the Work Week Start Time, check Enable Splitting Time Cards. Most companies do not split time cards.
Jobs that vary from this default?
You can define additional Pay Types (Earnings codes) for special jobs with different pay rates. ADP calls these Hours 3 Codes (Ex. HOL, SIC, PTO) - get the list from them.
Add any Hours 3 Codes: Snapshot Settings > Job Pay Types > Add New Job Pay Type and add as needed. Check the Overtime Exempt box for jobs that should not be included with the overtime calculation.
The Default Pay Type is automatically associated with each job. To assign a different pay type to a job, change it in the Job maintenance screen: Go to List Maintenance > Jobs > Advanced tab > select Pay Type from the dropdown> Save
Other ADP costing?
If using ADP’s Payroll Register or the Labor Distribution report, set up the Temp Cost Number in Job’s External Code 2
Go to List Maintenance > Jobs > select the Job > go to Advanced tab, fill in External Code 2 with the ‘job’ ADP Temp Cost Number.
Prepare for the Snapshot Export
Ensure Employees and Jobs are set up (see default section above)
Set the Payroll Period dates for the payroll you are processing.
Payroll Functions > Change Payroll Period > press Calculate Payroll period and Accept changes
Edit the time cards as needed.
Remember, the snapshot is a picture in time, and edits done after you create a snapshot are not in that picture.
Payroll Functions > Edit Time Cards >
Ensure all auto closed-out timecards have appropriate Out times. No Flags should show.
Review Total hours from the Time column - press to sort in the opposite order.
Ready for the Payroll Export!
Create this new snapshot
Payroll Functions > Payroll Snapshot > press the New Snapshot button
Again, ensure the payroll dates listed are correct. Press the New Snapshot button to create the Payroll Snapshot.
Select the snapshot from the list to get the tab views for that snapshot.
Review the hours on the Summary tab.
Pulling the ADP WFN export
Select the Snapshot from the list to open the tabs. Select the ADP Workforce Now Export and export to Excel on the Exports tab. Save to a folder on your computer and import to your ADP WFN portal.
Let us know if you have any questions. 😊 For help on other topics, check out our Help Center.
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