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Edit the Budget for an Existing Job

Yes, just do it - put in the budget information because you can change it at any time.

CustomerCareTeam avatar
Written by CustomerCareTeam
Updated over a week ago

The setup is easy but might take a bit of digging into your file cabinets. The reward is a game-changer, as you could finally find the jobs that are losing money.

Let's make sure we are speaking the same language. These are the terms we will use:

  • Labor Overhead % - multiplier on payrates for other expected costs directly associated with labor (ex. taxes, workers comp, benefits). Tax burden.

  • Loaded Payrate – a person’s hourly rate inclusive of labor overhead costs. Payrate + (payrate * Labor Overhead%)

  • Revenue - the total amount of money your customer will you pay for the job. Job contracted amount.

  • Revenue Overhead % - expected multiplier on other costs besides labor (ex. franchise fees, supplies).

When editing an existing job for the budget information: Select the Job > click on the Budget tab > click the 'Edit the Budget' link.

Once in the Edit Budget screen you can change Total Revenue, Total Job Hours, Average Base pay rate, Labor Overhead %, and Revenue Overhead %. Even if you take a guess, remember, you can change it.

This is the amazing part. There is no spreadsheet to upkeep. The budget is calculated with expected Gross Profit.

And it is re-calculated with each new time card. Can I repeat this very good news - no spreadsheets to upkeep.

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