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How to Add Jobs (Video 2m6s)
How to Add Jobs (Video 2m6s)

A quick video showing you how to add jobs, customers, and locations.

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Written by CustomerCareTeam
Updated over a week ago

Video: How to Add Jobs in Chronotek Pro

Your employees do work (Jobs) for your Customers at different Locations. Pro is designed to track this work separately for precise job costing. This short video shows how to add jobs, customers, and locations.

Step-by-Step Written Instructions

People clock into jobs - it's the work they do. This Quick Add option simply has you set up the Job name and associate a customer and location. (You can add a new customer and location for this job here, too.) You will also associate the first Team that works this job. That is it!

You may want to understand a bit more about Pro's unique 3-tiered approach with Customer - Location: Job. It is kind of magical.

Use Quick Add to Add Jobs

How do you add a job? From the Job Wizard '+', select Quick Add.

Wizard Central '+' at the top

Or, go to Jobs menu and press '+'

Then follow the prompts.

Step 1: Select a Customer or Create a new one.

Step 2: Select a Location or create a new one.

When creating a new location, ensure the Time Zone is correct. This cannot be changed.

Add the Location's address for GPS tracks. Yeah, you want this for sure!

Adjust the geo-fence circle and move the pin if needed.

Step 3: Fill in the job information.

  • Give the Job a name.

  • Is this ongoing work? Project work? Or a special Work Order? You will want to separate those job contracts so you can finally uncover which work is hiding the money leakers.

  • Here, you will set up the first Team who will work this job.

  • Save

Note: Ongoing jobs automatically create dates from today through one year. Check the “auto-renew” box to prevent the job from expiring in one year. Once it expires, employees can no longer clock into it.

You have just created your first flexible Team shift for that job. Soon, you will be a Pro😉.

That's it!

Clocking In with TimeTiles™

Would you like to use location TimeTiles™at the site? To set up TimeTiles™, you must be on a Team associated with that job.

Need to add more Teams to work this job? Schedule more Team Shifts.

Need help adding your employees? Here's an article just for you.

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