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Clinical Site: Notification Settings
Clinical Site: Notification Settings

Customize Your Clinician Nexus Alerts

Kate Mattison avatar
Written by Kate Mattison
Updated over 6 months ago

Clinician Nexus has a wide range of customizable notification settings. You can personalize what types of events or interactions you'd like to be notified about in your account and choose how you'd like to be notified: via email notification, alert notification when you log into Clinician Nexus, or both.

After reading this article you will be able to...

  • Edit Notification Settings

  • View Notifications in Clinician Nexus

  • Notification Recommendations

Edit Notification Settings

If you're already logged in, click here to edit your notification settings. Or review the instructions below:

  • Click the Account icon (profile picture) on the left navigation menu

  • From the sub-menu, click Notification Settings

  • Review the notification settings and select/deselect what information you'd like to be notified about, and how.

  • Once you've made changes, scroll to the top or bottom of the screen and click Save settings.

View Notifications in Clinician Nexus

  • Click the bell-shaped Notifications icon from your left navigation menu.

  • On the Notifications page, you can view events or interactions that may be relevant to you.

  • To see more/less information, or be alerted in a different way, click Notification settings on the top right corner of the screen.

Notification Recommendations

Here is a standard list of recommended notifications to turn on if you wish to limit your notifications:

  • Comments added to a rotation

  • Student makes proposed changes to a rotation

  • School makes proposed changes to a rotation

  • An opportunity has changes

  • Student requests rotation for which you are a coordinator

  • You're mentioned by someone

Have more questions? Please reach out by clicking the chat icon in the bottom right corner of your screen from 8am-6pm CT, Mon-Fri.

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