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Clinical Site: Adding Agreements
Clinical Site: Adding Agreements

Connect With Schools to Begin Coordinator Scheduled Rotations

Kate Mattison avatar
Written by Kate Mattison
Updated over 11 months ago

Connecting with affiliate school(s) is the first step for you, or your school partner, to begin scheduling coordinator scheduled rotations. Agreements in Clinician Nexus allow you to set up, manage and communicate the status of new and existing agreements with your affiliated school staff. With Agreements, your clinical site can customize offerings of specific services and opportunity allotments to affiliate schools. These agreements are created by clinical site admins and approved by school staff. School staff will have the opportunity to propose any changes to the agreement before finalizing.

After reading this article you will be able to...

  • Invite Your Affiliate School

  • Add an Affiliation Agreement

  • Select Services

  • Submit an Agreement

Invite Your Affiliate Schools

Your affiliated schools will need to sign up on Clinician Nexus in order to invite students, and schedule rotations. To invite schools, refer them here - or they can visit to create an account!

Add Affiliation Agreement

  • Click Settings

  • Then, from the sub-menu, select Agreements

  • Next, click +Add Agreement to set up the agreement with an affiliate school:

Add the school, agreement name, description, and the date range this agreement is valid for. If the agreement has an end date, you can add a reminder in settings to notify you a certain number of days prior to expiration. This is where you can also attach the legal document as a reference point for all parties:

Select Services

Once you've added the required details, you can select which services will be offered as student learning experiences. Choose the service areas of your facility to be included in the agreement:

Note: if you haven't configured the services that apply to this agreement yet, you can exit the agreements tab, click on Services, and add a new service. You will be able to return to the draft agreement and complete it once you finish adding services.

Submit an Agreement

After completion, click Save and submit to school to submit the agreement to your affiliate school for approval. This serves as the connection point between the clinical site and the school. Since the agreement is negotiated and confirmed outside of Clinician Nexus, you won't need additional authorization. Also, while you can upload the affiliation agreement for reference, it is not required.


  • If you click Save draft from the agreement page, your agreement will save in an unsubmitted status.

  • Once you're ready to submit it to the school, reopen the agreement and click Save & Submit

The school will be notified about the completed agreement and be prompted to either propose changes or accept the agreement. The agreement will remain in pending status until an admin from the school accepts the agreement.

If your school partner has questions on what to do next, direct them to this page.

Have more questions? Please reach out by clicking the chat icon in the bottom right corner of your screen from 8am-6pm CT, Mon-Fri.

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