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Student: Coordinator Scheduled Rotations
Student: Coordinator Scheduled Rotations

Locate Your Rotations and Begin Onboarding

Kate Mattison avatar
Written by Kate Mattison
Updated over 12 months ago

Clinician Nexus is designed to help you, as a student, get onboarded and ready for your upcoming rotation. The following guide will walk you through finding your scheduled rotations on the rotations page, and how to complete the onboarding process.

After reading this article you will be able to...

  • Locate Your Scheduled Rotation

  • Completing Onboarding Steps

  • Communicate in Clinician Nexus

Locate Your Scheduled Rotation

When you have been scheduled for a rotation, you can access it by:

  • Clicking Rotations from the left navigation menu.

If you don't see a rotation displayed, your school coordinator may not have scheduled it in Clinician Nexus yet.

If a coordinator has scheduled your rotation in Clinician Nexus and you do not see it on the Rotations page, please reach out to Clinician Nexus Support by clicking the chat icon in the bottom right corner of your screen.

Completing Onboarding Steps

Clinical sites provide onboarding steps requiring completion to ensure you are ready for your first day. To view and complete all onboarding steps for your rotation(s):

  • Click on the rotation card to open the rotation details window.

  • Scroll to the bottom of the window to view and complete onboarding steps.

  • Each onboarding step will specify whether the step is incomplete, complete, or pending verification.

  • Each step also specifies who can complete it. Sometimes, individual onboarding steps require completion by your school coordinator or clinical site coordinator. If that step hasn't been completed yet, your rotation will remain in Onboarding status until the coordinator has completed it.

Once all steps are complete and/or verified, your rotation will automatically move into Ready status. This means you're all set to start!

Communicate in Clinician Nexus

If you have questions about onboarding, or the rotation itself:

  • Click Rotations from your left navigation menu.

  • Click on the rotation.

  • Add your message in the Activity box.

  • Optionally, tag the person(s) you are directing your message to by typing "@" and selecting their name from the dropdown box.

  • Click Add comment.

    Note: all parties on the rotation will be notified when a new comment has been added.

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Have more questions? Please reach out by clicking the chat icon in the bottom right corner of your screen from 8am-6pm CT, Mon-Fri.

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