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Configuring Communication Logs

How to configure your EHR so ACM can automatically upload communication logs to your resident charts in PointClickCare

Kristi Aruja avatar
Written by Kristi Aruja
Updated over a week ago

Note: This feature is currently only supported for PointClickCare EHR customers, if you are integrating using our FlexData Adapter you must use the self-serve email report function to access reporting data.

The Communication Logs feature automatically uploads a log of every communication sent by ACM to the associated residents' charts in PointClickCare. This article describes the two steps that must be completed by your organization for the feature to be activated.

You will need to have “Admin Setup Role (System)” assigned to your profile in PointClickCare to complete this task.

1. Create a new Online Documentation Storage Category in PointClickCare

In PointClickCare, you will need to create a new Documentation Storage Category named “Cliniconex”. This will allow Cliniconex to upload and store records of each communication to the corresponding resident’s chart.

Note: this will only need to be completed at the organization level (not for each individual facility). If you are a single facility organization, you must still complete this step.

For Multi-facility Organizations:

  • Click on the EMC tab, Standards, then Financial Management

  • Click on Online Documentation Storage Categories

  • Click New

  • In the Description box, enter Cliniconex

  • Ensure Clinical is checked

  • Click Save

Note: with the above steps, if Cliniconex is entered at the EMC level it will be listed for all facilities – regardless if they have CCX enabled or not.

For Single Facility Organizations:

  • Click on the Admin tab

  • Under the Other column, click on Setup

  • Click on Online Documentation Storage Categories

  • Click New

  • In the Description box, enter Cliniconex

  • Ensure Admin and Clinical are checked (no other option)

  • Click Save

Note the video below, shows Admin and Clinical options. Ensure no other options are checked.

2. Enable Online Documentation Storage for each facility in PointClickCare

If some of your facilities are not currently using the Online Documents Storage functionality within PointClickCare, you will need to enable it.

Note: this step will need to be repeated for all facilities that do not currently have Online Documentation Storage enabled in PointClickCare.

To do so:

  • From the top right navigation bar, select the facility for which you want to enable document storage

  • Click on the Admin tab

  • Under the Other column, click Setup

  • Click Online Documentation Storage Configuration

  • Under Enable Online Documentation Storage?, click the radio button Yes

  • Click Save

  • Important: Repeat this process for each facility for which you want to enable Communication Logs

And that's it! All Communication Logs will now be automatically added to the corresponding resident's chart when a message is sent using Automated Care Messaging.

You can always verify that your Communication Logs are enabled by navigating to:

  • Main Menu ☰ > Settings > Onboarding Requirements> Communication Records Setup

  • You will see a simple Yes or No.

3. Configure Communication Records logging frequency for Automated Care Messaging

To avoid crowding the Misc. tab of a resident's chart with a single log of each communication sent with Automated Care Messaging; Organizational and Facility Admins can change the frequency at which Communication Records are logged into PointClickCare.

There are three layers in which Communication Records Settings are controlled:

  • System Layer (the default setting)

  • Organizational Layer (controlled Organizational Admins)

  • Facility Layer (controlled by Organizational and Facility Admins)

To change the default settings, log into the ACM web app and:

  • Navigate to Main Menu ☰ > Settings > Onboarding Requirements

  • Scroll to Communication Records Logging Frequency

  • Click on the dropdown and choose a frequency:

    • - (the default setting is a weekly summary**)

    • off

    • per communication

    • weekly summary

    • monthly summary

Communication logs will now be created at the desired frequency for your organization or facility.

Note: the default, out-of-the-box frequency is set to weekly summary. Weekly reports are created Sunday at 1 am. Monthly reports are created on the first day of each month. When a frequency is changed, the record will be created on the next eligible day (eg. weekly summary to a monthly summary, the record is created the first Sunday of the following month).

** this is the default for new customers as of March 14th, 2022. All existing customers will need to manually change their default setting.

Note: When an Admin changes the communication record logging frequency, a record will be logged stating who made the change and when.

Note: If a resident leaves the facility and ACM determines they are a valid message recipient, communication records will continue to be created at the determined frequency. If they do not receive any communications, then no record will be created.

Curious as to what the monthly summary looks like? How it appears in the resident's chart:

The detailed summary:

What's Next?

Learn more about how to access Communication Reports and Logs here.

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