What are Fitness Monitoring Exercises?

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Fitness monitoring exercises are a set of exercises that are used to measure an individual's progress over a period of time. FMEs are used to assess an individual's fitness level and track their progress over time. FMEs can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of a training program and help identify areas where improvements can be made. In the context of resistance fitness monitoring, exercises cover all patterns, namely the squat, lunge, bend, push, pull, core, and dynamics. As well as energy systems.

The energy systems FMEs in CoachRx include:

Beginner EST FMEs:

10-minute AB

In this assessment, the client goes at their fastest sustainable pace on the bike for 10 minutes,

aiming to accumulate as many calories as possible during that time. This test provides valuable

insights into the client’s ability to sustain work over a 10-minute time frame relative to their body

weight, aerobic capacity, pacing and sustainability, energy system response, and their overall


To perform this test, set the bike to 10 minutes for the most accurate score in calories and

average RPM over the 10 minutes.

60-minute Row

In this test, the client performs a 60-minute row for maximum meters. Although this test is in

the beginner section, it’s important to ensure that your client has built up an adequate amount

of volume on the rower to be able to withstand 60 minutes of rowing. This test provides insights

into the client’s aerobic capacity and muscle endurance capabilities relative to the rower.

To perform this test, set the rower to 60 minutes to gain insights into how pacing, power, stroke

rate, and other factors are sustained over time.

5K Row

The Test

In this test, the client performs a 5,000m row as fast as possible. The 5K row is a classic middle distance row test that challenges aerobic power and sustainability.

To perform this test, set the rower to 5,000m to gain insights into how pacing, power, stroke rate,

and other factors are sustained over the 5k distance. This test provides valuable insights into the

client’s ability to sustain work and pace themselves during a middle-distance row.

Intermediate EST FMEs:

2k Row

In this test, a client is required to complete a 2,000m row as fast as possible. The 2k row is

considered an intermediate test as it demands a significant amount of intensity and power,

requiring the client to push themselves to their limits. This test is designed to assess a client’s

cardiovascular endurance, as well as their physical and mental toughness.

To perform this test, the client should set the rower to 2,000m to ensure that an accurate

measurement is recorded. It is important for the client to pace themselves throughout the test

to avoid burning out too quickly. It is recommended that the client use a stroke rate of 24-26

strokes per minute to sustain their power output throughout the entire test. After completing the

test, the client can analyze their pacing, power, stroke rate, and overall performance to determine areas where they can improve.

30/30 Row x4

The 30/30 row x 4 is a test that involves performing four 30-second all-out bouts on the rower,

with 30 seconds of rest in between each set. This test provides an idea of a client’s power output and anaerobic potential on the front end as well as sustainability as they get to the second, third, and fourth set.

To perform the 30/30 row x 4 test, the client should set the rower to 30/30 intervals and strap

their feet in before beginning. The client should row all-out for 30 seconds and then rest for 30

seconds on the erg between sets. This process should be repeated for four sets in total, with the

client recording scores for each set.

500m row

The 500m row test is used to assess a client’s power and anaerobic capacity on the rower. It

involves rowing 500m as fast as possible, and can be very challenging if performed appropriately.

To perform the test, set the rower to 500m and row as fast as possible. This will give an insight

into how pacing, power, stroke rate, and other factors are sustained over the 500m distance.

60-second Row

The 60-second row test is designed to measure a client’s power and intensity level. It falls into

the OPEX Pain category because of the intensity and power needed to complete the 60 seconds

of work.

To perform this test, the client will set the rower to 60 seconds to ensure that the appropriate

number of meters is tracked, and an average pace can be calculated. The client will row as fast as possible for 60 seconds to cover as many meters as possible. The client’s score will be determined by the total number of meters rowed in the 60-second period.

60-second AB

This test is a measure of a client’s power output and anaerobic capacity on the Assault Bike. This test falls under the OPEX Pain category due to the high-intensity and power required throughout the test.

To perform the test, the client sets the Assault Bike to 60 seconds and pedals as fast as they can for the duration of the test. The bike tracks the number of calories burned, which can be used to calculate the average RPM.

Row/Burpee Over Erg

10 rounds for time:

500m row

15 burpees over erg

In this test, the client performs 10 rounds of 500m rowing followed by 15 burpees over the erg,

completing the work as quickly as possible. This test is a great way to measure aerobic power on the rower and push muscle endurance with the burpee over erg movement.

To perform this test, the rower should be reset after each round to ensure that a full 500m is

rowed with no carryover from the previous set. Lateral burpees over the erg should be executed

efficiently to minimize time spent transitioning between movements.

90-minute AMRAP

1300m row

15 wall walks

200m Farmer Walk 70/53# per hand

42 DU

The 90-minute AMRAP test challenges the client to perform the given work for as many rounds

and reps as possible. It consists of a 1300m row, 15 wall walks, 200m farmer walk with 70/53#

per hand, and 42 double unders. This test is a classic OPEX test that targets the client’s aerobic

capacity in various modalities, and it is unique due to the stoppage caused by having to perform

15 wall walks in the middle.

To perform this test, the client should set the rower to a damper that they are comfortable with,

ensure that the distance is mapped out on the farmer’s walk, and that they possess the skill to

perform double unders. The client should aim to complete as many rounds and reps as possible

within the 90-minute time limit. It is important to note that the client should pace themselves

appropriately to conserve energy and avoid burnout.

Advanced EST FMEs:

Row/KBS/Burpee (Lactic Repeat)

For Time

250m row

15 kettlebell swings 70/53#

25 burpees w/ overhead clap

15 kettlebell swings 70/53#

250m row

-rest 12 min

x 3 sets

The Row/Kettlebell Swing/Burpee (Lactic Repeat) is a test that involves three exercises

performed in a single set, followed by a 12-minute rest, and then repeated for a total of three

sets. Each set includes a 250m row, 15 kettlebell swings with a 70/53# weight, and 25 burpees

with an overhead clap. The goal of this test is to complete the work as quickly as possible,

challenging the client’s OPEX Pain system due to the high intensity and added weight of the

kettlebell swing.

To perform this test, the client should ensure that the rower is reset after each effort to ensure

that exactly 250m is rowed. The kettlebell swings should be performed American style, with the

kettlebell lifted all the way overhead. The burpees should be performed with an overhead clap.

After completing the third exercise, the client should rest for 12 minutes before starting the next

set. The test is complete after the third set.

18-minute AMRAP

18 min AMRAP

15 box jump step downs 24/20”

12 shoulder to overhead 115/75#

9 toes to bar

In this test, the client aims to accumulate as many reps as possible over 18 minutes. The workout

involves a combination of head-to-toe contractions, hanging, squat pattern, jump pattern, muscle endurance, grip, fast lower body contractions, barbell cycling, and core endurance through spinal extension and flexion.

To perform this test, the client needs to set up the barbell, box, and a pull-up bar close by. They

must aim to complete as many rounds as possible within 18 minutes, with each round consisting

of 36 reps. The client should maintain proper form and technique throughout the workout while

trying to maintain a consistent pace.

Power Clean/Burpee

For Time


Power Clean 115/75#

Burpee with Overhead Clap

-rest 10 min

x2 sets

The Power Clean/Burpee Repeat is a timed test in which the client performs 15 power cleans

and 15 burpees with an overhead clap, then 12 and 12, and finally 9 and 9, for a total of two sets.

The weight for the power cleans is 115 pounds for men and 75 pounds for women.

This test aims to evaluate the client’s ability to cycle through barbell movements at a fast pace,

in combination with muscle endurance and lung capacity. The 10-minute rest between sets tests

the client’s ability to recover and gives insights into their anaerobic power and aerobic capacity.

To perform the Power Clean/Burpee Repeat, the client should start with the barbell set up with

the appropriate weight. The client will then perform 15 power cleans followed by 15 burpees

with an overhead clap, then 12 and 12, and finally 9 and 9. The burpee should be executed in a

way that allows the client to efficiently cycle through the movement.

After completing the first set, the client should rest for 10 minutes before starting the second set.

The client should aim to complete each set as quickly as possible while maintaining proper form

and technique. It is important to note that the weight for the power cleans should be appropriate for the client’s skill level, and modifications can be made as necessary. The client should also focus on maintaining proper breathing and pacing throughout the test to maximize their performance.

Constant Variance

For Time:

15 Wall Balls, 20/14#, 10/9’

15 Kettlebell Swing, 55/35#

15 Box Jump Step Down, 24”/20”

15 Hang Power Snatch, 75/55#

15 Burpees

60 Double Unders

-5 Minutes Rest

Set 2

15 Hang Power Snatch

15 Burpees

60 Double Unders

15 Box Jump Step Down

15 Kettlebell Swing

15 Wall Balls

-5 Minutes Rest

Set 3:

15 Kettlebell Swing

15 Hang Power Snatch

15 Burpees


15 Wall Balls

60 Double Unders

15 Box Jump Step Down

-5 Minutes Rest

Set 4:

60 Double Unders

15 Wall Balls

15 Hang Power Snatch

15 Burpees

15 Box Jump Step Down

15 Kettlebell Swing

-5 Minutes Rest

Set 5:

15 Box Jump Step Down

60 Double Unders

15 Kettlebell Swing

15 Hang Power Snatch

15 Wall Balls

15 Burpees

In this test, the client performs the above work as quickly as possible per set. Constant variance

investigates repeatability of dynamic, moderate to low load contractions through muscle

endurance and task variation adaptation. The modalities inside the constant variance testing

reflect moderate to lower loads, and higher speed aerobic testing.

To perform the test, the client will situate the equipment and move through in the appropriate


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