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CoachRx Platform Walkthrough

Welcome to CoachRx! Check out this comprehensive walkthrough.

Updated over 6 months ago

This article is designed to provide you with an overview of CoachRx to go along with the walkthrough video. Whether you're new to CoachRx or a seasoned user, this document will guide you through the platform's capabilities and highlight best practices for optimizing your coaching business. From the Index and Dashboard to the Client Section and Business Suite, we'll explore each section in detail and provide tips and tricks for streamlining your workflow and enhancing your clients' experience. Let's dive in!


The Settings section allows you to customize and configure various aspects of your CoachRx account. Here's a breakdown of the key settings:


Under the "Profile" tab, you can personalize your coach profile by uploading an image, providing your first and last name, email address, time zone, and other relevant information. You can also change your password if needed.

Consultation Link

Ensure that you enter your consultation booking link in this section. This link will be displayed in your clients' app, enabling them to book consultations with you. Leaving this field empty will result in no booking option available to your clients.

Plan & Billing

In this section, you can manage your subscriptions and view previous and upcoming bills.


In the organization settings, enter your business name and website. The "Touchpoints per client" setting allows you to set a goal for the number of interactions between coaches and clients. Touchpoints include comments, direct messages, consultations, and more. This goal applies to all coaches within your organization.

Upload your organization's logo, which will be displayed on your storefront page, contracts, and waivers. Additionally, customize the contract and waiver footer with the desired information.


In the notifications section, configure your personal notification settings.

Client Settings

Client settings allow individual coaches to adjust their preferences. However, the touchpoint goal set at the organization level remains as the minimum requirement for coaches.

Set the number of days in advance that exercises should be flagged on the dashboard. This helps you stay on top of upcoming exercises and ensures timely planning. Additionally, specify how many days ahead clients can see their workouts.

Import Clients

If you are migrating clients from another platform like TrueCoach, follow the instructions provided to import client data using a CSV file. The system will automate the process of sending invite emails and populating coach-client lists.


You can also explore various integrations available within CoachRx.


The Education section offers access to CoachRx-specific education materials in the LearnRx platform. This valuable resource is continuously updated and provides additional learning opportunities for CoachRx users.


The Index serves as a navigation hub within CoachRx, allowing easy access to various features. Let's explore some of the key components of the Index:

Exercise Library

The Exercise Library provides access to a preloaded collection of approximately 2,000 exercises. However, you can also add your own exercises by providing details such as exercise name, video link, instructions, equipment needed, and more.

Warmups and Cool Down Sets

Utilize the Warmups and Cool Down Sets section to create and store commonly used warmup and cool-down routines. These sets will be automatically populated when planning your clients' calendars, saving you time and effort.

FME Sets

FME sets allow you to create customized assessments and measurements for your clients. Define an FME set by naming it, providing a description, selecting the unit of measurement (e.g., calories), and adding the relevant FME components. These sets can then be assigned to individual clients.

Lifestyle Types

CoachRx goes beyond exercise prescription by allowing you to prescribe lifestyle types to your clients. The Lifestyle Types section enables you to create and manage different lifestyle guidelines. Each lifestyle type can have its own description, accompanying videos, and prescriptions such as steps, active time, yoga, and more.


The Programs feature offers flexibility in designing training programs. CoachRx provides preloaded programs that can be downloaded directly from the platform. Alternatively, you can create your own programs to suit your coaching style and client needs. There are two types of programs in CoachRx:

  1. Standard Programs: These programs are suitable for static training plans with a predefined duration. You can design a training program for a specific number of days and assign it to clients. Once the program is completed, it is considered finished, unless you choose to extend it by adding additional weeks.

  2. Live Programs: Live programs are associated with calendar dates and allow you to assign multiple clients to the same program. These programs function as individual calendars, eliminating the need to switch between standard programs and individual client accounts.

You can assign a training age category (beginner, intermediate, advanced, or all) to the program.

Within program settings, you can customize various aspects such as comments, read-only messages, and client upload permissions. You can control the visibility of past and future weeks and limit clients to viewing only the current week if desired.

In addition, CoachRx offers the ability to create a program sales page connected to your storefront. This sales page generates a URL that can be shared with potential clients. You can add program information, experience level, session details, coach details, social links, and more to create an enticing presentation of your program.

Remember, you can take advantage of the programs already available in CoachRx or create your own unique programs tailored to your coaching style and client needs. This flexibility allows you to deliver effective training plans and engage clients efficiently.

Lifestyle Programs

Lifestyle programs in CoachRx are designed for lifestyle-related prescriptions. These programs allow you to create and assign common prescriptions to multiple clients. For example, if you have a prescription for clients to consume half their body weight in ounces of water, you can create a lifestyle program and assign it to clients directly from the screen. This eliminates the need to individually assign the program from client calendars. Lifestyle programs function similarly to standard programs but focus on lifestyle-related prescriptions.

Weekly Check-in Templates

To streamline the process of assigning weekly check-ins from your clients' calendars, CoachRx provides the option to create templates. By default, there is a template called "Default," but you can create additional templates tailored to your needs. Each template allows you to include specific questions with various answer types, such as ratings, text responses, or yes/no options. Creating templates enables you to efficiently gather important information from your clients during their weekly check-ins.

Intake Forms

Intake forms play a crucial role in collecting essential information from your clients when they initially join your coaching program. While CoachRx provides a default intake form, it is highly recommended to create your own intake form based on the specific questions you want to ask your clients. Keep in mind that only one active intake form can be assigned per account. The starred form will be automatically pushed to all new clients' mobile apps, allowing them to fill it out conveniently.


In the Documents section of CoachRx, you can upload files that you want to share with all your clients across the entire account. These documents can include important resources, guidelines, educational materials, or any other relevant files. By uploading and organizing documents in CoachRx, you ensure easy access for your clients. They can view and download these documents from their account settings in the mobile app.


The Dashboard is the main page you'll see upon signing in to CoachRx. It provides an overview of important metrics and activities to keep you informed and organized. Let's explore the different sections of the Dashboard:

Coach Metrics

At the top of the Dashboard, you'll find the Coach Metrics section. This section displays key metrics related to your coaching practice. It includes the number of clients you have in the system, compliance metrics (total, 90-day, 30-day, and 7-day compliance) for exercises and lifestyle prescriptions, and your consult rate. The consult rate represents the percentage of consultations you've had over the last 60 days and is tracked when adding consultation notes from the client calendar.

RX Insights

The RX Insights section provides valuable insights into your prescription and coaching behaviors. Here, you can view metrics such as exercise programs prescribed (all-time and average per week), workouts prescribed (all-time and current week), and lifestyle programs prescribed (all-time and current week). These insights give you a deeper understanding of your coaching efficiency and program design habits.

Coach Priorities

On the left side of the Dashboard, you'll find the Coach Priorities section. This section highlights your top priorities as a coach. It includes exercise due, lifestyle due, and consultations due. These priorities help you stay organized and ensure you address the necessary actions related to your clients' programs and consultations.

Activity Feed

The middle section of the Dashboard is the Activity Feed. This feed provides a chronological list of the latest activities of your clients. You can filter the feed based on exercise, lifestyle, or weekly check-ins. The Activity Feed allows you to efficiently communicate with your clients by adding comments, attachments, videos, or personal notes directly from the Dashboard.

Client Communication

To the right of the Dashboard, you'll find the Client Communication section. This section includes touchpoints and quick notes to facilitate effective client communication.

The touchpoints feature in CoachRx allows you to track your communication with clients. It shows the number of touchpoints you've had with clients, indicating the level of engagement and communication. By setting touchpoint goals, you can ensure regular and meaningful interactions with your clients.

Quick notes are a convenient way to add important information or reminders to your clients' calendars. If you need to jot down a quick note or schedule a reminder, you can select the client, choose the desired date and time, add a title and note, and save it. This feature helps you stay organized and ensures you don't miss any crucial details or follow-ups with your clients.

The Dashboard in CoachRx offers a comprehensive overview of your coaching activities, metrics, and client interactions. It serves as a central hub to monitor your progress, track compliance, communicate with clients, and streamline your coaching workflow.

Client Section

In the client section, you can effectively manage your client load. Here, you will find various details related to your clients, including their name, exercise compliance, lifestyle compliance, exercise and lifestyle tags, and more.

It is highly recommended to make use of tags. Personally, I find using days of the week as tags to be very effective. For example, if it's Saturday and you only want to see the clients you design training programs for on Saturdays, simply select the Saturday tag, and those clients will be displayed.

Feel free to use tags in any way that suits your needs. Some coaches use them for days of the week, while others use them for client types or other purposes. Leverage this feature and get creative with the tags. You can manage your tags by going to the "Manage Tags" section. Here, you can edit existing tags or create new ones that will appear in your tag list when adding a client.

To add a new client, click on "Add Client." Fill in the required information such as the client's first name, last name, email, sex, unit preference, time zone, and coach commission type. It is crucial to set the correct time zone for your clients to ensure accurate push notifications. If you are aware of their time zone, make sure to set it accordingly. Additionally, specify the coach commission type, whether it's a default, a percentage, or a fee. If you choose the percentage fee default, enter the commission rate.

Once you hit "Add Client," the client will receive a welcome email and can proceed to set up their Coach R x account based on the instructions provided.

Coaches Section

Moving on to the coaches section, please note that the data displayed here is for illustrative purposes and contains dummy information. This section provides an overview of your organization's metrics, including the number of clients, compliance across the organization, consultation rate, RX insights, and touchpoint percentage.

To add a coach, simply click on "Add Coach" and enter the required details, such as their first name, last name, and email. If you need to add a coach with an existing account, please contact us directly for assistance. Additionally, you can change the role of your coaches, granting them administrative privileges if desired. An admin can manage clients, while a super admin has broader capabilities to manage your business.

Business Suite

To access the Business Suite and view its information, you need to first have an active CoachRx subscription and connect your account to Stripe, which is a quick and easy process taking just a couple of minutes. By connecting your account to Stripe, an organization Stripe Connect account will be created for you.


The Business Suite offers several sections, starting with payments. Here, you can find your activity feed, invoices, products, recurring payments, one-time payments, and tax-related information. To create a product, navigate to the "Product" section and click on "Create Product." Fill in the product name and description. If the product is associated with a specific program, you can link it here. You also have the option to tie the product to a coach to facilitate payroll calculations. Additionally, you can choose to enable the auto-creation of a Coach R x account for purchasers through the storefront.

After creating a product, you can proceed to build pricing plans for it. Click on "Add New Pricing Plan," and provide the plan name, billing period (e.g., one-time payment, daily, weekly, monthly), amount, commission type, and commission rate. You can create multiple pricing plans for a single product.

In the recurring section, you can create subscription plans and connect them to clients. Select the desired product, pricing plan, duration, payment method, renewal options, and tax settings. Once set up, the subscription will automatically renew based on the chosen billing frequency.

The tax options section allows you to create specific tax rates for easier addition to purchases. By setting up custom tax rates, you can streamline the process of including taxes in your clients' invoices.

For one-time charges, you can use the one-time section. Simply select the client, choose their payment method, specify the amount, and submit the charge. This feature comes in handy for one-time consultations or additional services outside of the recurring subscription.

Metrics & Reporting

The Business Suite also provides metrics and reporting capabilities. You can view important financial data, such as gross revenue, net revenue, total subscriptions, monthly recurring revenue, average price point, and the number of clients added. You can analyze these metrics for different time periods, export the data to a CSV file, and gain valuable insights into the financial performance of your business.


Payroll is another feature available in the Business Suite. It helps you track how much you owe your coaches based on their commission rates or the way you have set up your products. To run payroll, select the date range and the coaches you want to include. The system will calculate the amount owed to each coach based on the defined rates. You can edit the payroll details, add or modify items, and fulfill payments. Payroll data can be exported for record-keeping or sharing with your coaches.

Contracts & Waivers

Contracts and waivers can be created and managed within the Business Suite. By setting up templates, you can easily generate contracts and waivers customized to your business. Simply title the template, paste in the content, and utilize quick tags to personalize the documents. You can then send the contracts or waivers to clients, who can review and sign them digitally. The signed contracts are stored in the clients' profiles for easy access.


Storefronts are a powerful tool for showcasing your services and allowing clients to make purchases directly. You can create organization storefronts, where you can present your offerings and connect products through your Stripe account. Clients can visit your storefront and buy products or services. Additionally, individual coach storefronts can be created to highlight specific coaches and their offerings.


Finally, the customer page provides a comprehensive view of all the customers in your Coach R x account. You can search for customers and access their profiles easily, making it convenient to manage and interact with your client base.

Client Calendar

In CoachRx, you can configure multiple calendar views according to your preferences. Currently, you are viewing the monthly calendar. However, you can switch to the daily, weekly, or long-term plan view using the options at the top of the calendar.

The daily view allows you to focus on a specific day and design training programs accordingly. The weekly view provides a detailed overview of a selected week, allowing you to plan and organize accordingly. The long-term plan view enables you to visualize and manage extended training cycles effectively.

Within each calendar view, you can perform various actions. Adding workouts is one of them, and it allows you to schedule exercises for your clients. Additionally, you can add or edit lifestyle prescriptions, include rest days, or paste annual workouts for added convenience.

On the left-hand side of the calendar, you'll find several sections. The calendar section displays the current calendar view. The message section allows you to communicate with your clients directly through the platform. You can send messages and have ongoing conversations with ease.

The assessment section provides access to OPEX Body, OPEX Move, and OPEX Work. These assessment tools offer valuable insights into your clients' fitness levels and help you tailor their training programs accordingly.

Fitness monitoring allows you to track and monitor your clients' progress systematically. You can view and analyze their FMEs and their scores in various categories such as motor control, strength endurance, maximum contraction standards, and structural balance. The color-coded indicators, including red for underperformance, green for within range, and amber for exceeding standards, offer a quick visual reference for identifying areas of focus.

The consultation section provides a platform for conducting monthly consults, initial consults, and weekly check-ins. You can schedule these sessions and record client-facing notes and private notes for each consultation. It's important to ensure that any sensitive information is placed in the private notes section to maintain client confidentiality.

Planning and periodization are crucial aspects of effective coaching, and CoachRx offers tools to streamline this process. You can create long-term plans that span several months and add short-term plans within them. These plans help you outline training cycles, define cycle types (such as accumulation or deload), set priorities, and specify sustain types. The ability to easily view and manage both long-term and short-term plans ensures a well-structured and organized training approach.

Notes and documents allow you to add relevant notes and attach important documents to your clients' profiles. You can create and share notes to track progress, record observations, or provide additional guidance. Additionally, you can upload documents that are accessible to clients, making it convenient to share resources, training materials, or educational materials.

Reminders help you stay on top of important tasks and events. The client calendar provides a visual representation of your clients' training schedule, with white cells indicating available training days and gray cells representing rest days. By setting up reminders, you can ensure that both you and your clients are aware of upcoming consultations, assessments, or other critical events.

The equipment list feature allows you to track the equipment your clients have access to for their training. By maintaining an up-to-date equipment list, you can design workouts and programs that align with the resources available to your clients.

The client profile section offers comprehensive details about your clients, including their demographic information, location, time zone, visibility settings, and preferences. You can update their profile as needed to keep the information current and accurate.

Progress pictures are an effective way to visually track your clients' transformation and progress. CoachRx provides a dedicated space for clients to upload progress pictures, allowing you to monitor their development and make informed adjustments to their training plans.

The intake form feature enables you to create customized intake forms to gather essential information from your clients. These forms can be tailored to suit your specific coaching approach and help you understand your clients' goals, medical history, and preferences.

Billing information and history can be accessed within the client profile. This includes details of past transactions, invoices, and payment records. Having this information readily available ensures transparency and allows for seamless billing and financial management.

The client calendar in Coach Rx provides a comprehensive set of tools and features to streamline your coaching process, track progress, communicate with clients, and manage important documentation. By utilizing these capabilities effectively, you can enhance the client experience, optimize training programs, and drive success in your coaching business.

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