If the grading feels too strict or too lenient, you can change the rigor level.
Three Options:
1. Adjust Rigor
1. Adjust Rigor
In the Assignment Grading Interface, click the “Custom” button, on the right-hand side under Global Settings.
Change Rigor to “Strict“, “Balanced” or “Tolerant”.
In the custom settings, you’ll see options for Reading Ease, Length, Rigor, and Tone.
Under the “Rigor” section, select either “Balanced” or “Tolerant” for more lenient grading, and “Strict“ to increase the difficulty. Don't forget to click "Regrade all".
2. Adjust Rubric
If adjusting the strictness isn’t enough or doesn’t quite meet your needs (e.g., you want to change the strictness of a specific criterion), you can adjust the rubric to better align with your assignment’s requirements.
Navigate to the Rubric Section and adjust the rubric.
In the same Global Settings panel, click on the rubric currently in use.
Choose an existing rubric that matches the grade level better, or customize the rubric criteria to fit your needs. Don't forget to click "Regrade all".
3. Ask CoGrader to Be More Lenient / Strict
If needed, you can have CoGrader grade more leniently or strictly. Just provide feedback by typing in the blue bar. This bar lets you give direct instructions to CoGrader to adjust its grading approach for a specific essay or for all essays (or any other adjustments you might want to make).