TL;DR: Ensure your rubric is under 8,000 words, less than 20MB, and simplify the content. Avoid complex tables and unnecessary formatting.
Keywords: CoGrader troubleshooting, rubric upload errors
Step 1: Check File Size
Rubric uploads can fail if the file is too large. To avoid this, ensure your rubric file is under 20MB. Compress the file if necessary or remove excess content.
Step 2: Simplify Your Rubric
Overly complex rubrics may cause problems during processing. If your rubric contains unnecessary elements (like extra formatting or unrelated text), try simplifying it. Focus only on what’s essential for grading.
Step 3: Reduce the Number of Characters
Files with too many characters can also cause issues. As a guideline, aim for 8,000 words or fewer to ensure smooth processing. If your rubric is longer, consider breaking it into smaller sections.
Step 4: Use Clear Table Structures
If your rubric contains tables, ensure they are structured clearly with well-defined relationships between rows and columns. Ambiguous tables can cause errors during the grading process.
Recommended Limits
For best results, keep your rubric documents:
• Under 8,000 words
• Under 20MB
If your file exceeds these limits, you can still upload it, but it may cause issues, and processing will be at your own risk.