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Managing users

Stacy Lane avatar
Written by Stacy Lane
Updated over 5 years ago

Administrators can access options to Create, Edit, Resend Invitation, Disable, Enable, Password Management, and audit User Activity for their users from Settings > Users or Settings > Network Users.

Create a User
Administrators can add additional users, based on the subscription tier.

Administrators can resend user invitation emails that have expired.

Edit a User
If a user's details need to be updated, administrators may make those changes.

Disable a User
In the event that a user is no longer a member of your organization or for some other reason their job duties have changed, their user account can be disabled.

Enable a User
In the event that a user who was previously disabled, has returned to their position or for some other reason, needs access to the system again, their user account can be enabled.

Password Management
Users will be automatically prompted to change their password every 60 days or may initiate their own password reset manually or with administrator assistance.

User Activity
Administrators have the ability to view a specific user’s activity while working in the system. This displays the user, the type of activity, and the date and time performed.

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