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Move Websites, Funnels or Pages
Move Websites, Funnels or Pages
Updated over a week ago

You are able to move websites, funnels or pages within projects or within a website on your CCK platform.

Moving Websites

You can move your CCK website to another project inside your CCK platform. Open My Sites & Funnels then select the settings gear when you hover over the website you want to move. You will see a screen pop up with the option to move your website to another project.

Moving Funnels

You can move a funnel into a website or outside a website on your CCK account.

Word of warning: when a funnel sits outside of a website and you move a funnel into a website, you will only move the pages, you will not move any contacts, products or members you might have connected to your funnel. You will lose any products, contacts, email sequences or branding you already have on your funnel. The funnel will take on the branding of the website, which means you will lose any branding you already applied to the funnel when it was located outside the website.

You can check if your funnel sits inside or outside a website by opening your My Websites & Funnels menu, selecting the Funnel tab and hovering over the funnel, selecting the gear icon.

If you see the pop-up with options to Move to website in this project, it means your funnel is sitting outside of a website. You will also see that the funnel has a dark blue icon, not a folder icon. This means it does not sit inside a website. See below.

When a funnel already sits underneath a website, you can move it outside a website by opening your My Sites & Funnels menu, then making sure you are looking at the correct funnel (make sure it is inside the website you want to move it out of).

When you hover over the funnel, you will see a gear icon. Select this gear icon to view the pop-up menu. Next, select move the funnel outside of the website.

This action will move the funnel to your main menu under My Websites & Funnels.

Moving Pages from Websites to Funnels

You are able to move pages from your main website into a funnel sitting underneath the same website.

To move a page, open the page from your page menu, then select the gear icon to the right of the page. On the pop-up menu, select the Move to funnel option.

Copy Pages To Other Funnels

When pages are sitting inside your funnels, you have the option to copy a page to another funnel.

Open your funnel by selecting the funnel menu on the left of your page. Next, click on the gear icon on the left of the page in question. You will see a pop-up screen with an option to Copy the page to another funnel.


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