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Payment Failures
Payment Failures
Updated over a week ago

When a recurring/subscription payment fails, a system notification email will be sent to you as the store owner as well as the customer.

The example below is the system email you will receive as the store owner. In the email, you will see the reason the payment failed.

Payments can fail when a card expires or when a user does not have enough funds in their account. Your chosen payment merchant will automatically retry to process the payment again.

The schedule or number of times the payment will be attempted to be taken again will depend on your payment merchant. We recommend logging a ticket with your payment merchant to find out what their payment retry schedule and number of attempts are.

After the 3rd payment retry has been unsuccessful the membership/subscription will be cancelled and a new subscription would need to be created in order for the customer to retain access to the membership/subscription.

To set up a new subscription, your customer will have to go through the checkout process again.


💡 Send a friendly and personal notification email to your customer notifying them of the failed payment and advising that another attempt to process the payment will be made 48 hours after the first attempt.

💡 Should the membership/subscription be cancelled after the 3rd attempt, send a personal email to the customer advising them that their membership has been cancelled due to non-payment and try and pave the way forward to getting them signed up again.

💡 Create a subscription product and checkout page where you can send the customer to sign up for the membership/subscription again.

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