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Subscription Cancellation: A Guide for Your Valued Customers
Subscription Cancellation: A Guide for Your Valued Customers
Updated over a week ago

Your customers who are enrolled in a Subscription or have purchased a "recurring payment" membership can manage their memberships and cancel their subscriptions by visiting their Member Details page.

The Member Details System Page

The Member Details page, which is a standard System Page on CCK and is available on every CCK website, can be accessed and linked to from the Pages Menu inside the builder.

  • Open the Pages & Popups menu inside the builder.

  • Scroll down to the System Pages group.

  • Click on Member Details.

  • Apply any edits or changes to branding.

Members Accessing the Members Details Page

To grant your members access to this page, they need to use the Log In option on your Home Page. All CCK templates have this section preinstalled.

To provide your members access to this page, it is recommended that you link to this page from within your Membership dashboard page or another page on your website.

Cancellation of Subscription

Once logged in and directed to the Member Details page, members can navigate to the Subscriptions section and select Cancel Subscriptions.

After Cancellation

After cancelling a subscription, customers will immediately lose access to the assigned Member group and will lose access to the pages made available for that particulate Member Group.

💡 The refund will not be triggered within CCK and a manual refund process should take place inside your Payment Processor Dashboard.

What To Do When a Customer Cancels Their Subscription

For business owners, knowing how to handle subscription cancellations is an important part of running a successful subscription model. Knowing what to do when a customer cancels their subscription can help you successfully manage your customer experience and engagement.

1. Reach Out and Ask Why

When a customer cancels their subscription, feel free to reach out to ask why. Taking the time to understand why the customer has cancelled could help identify opportunities to retain their business. Open-ended questions, like “Can you tell me why you no longer want to continue with us?” are a great way to start the conversation. To make this process easier, we recommend setting up an automation on your CCK website to automate this process. You could set up an automated subscription cancellation sequence which includes a link to a form created on your CCK website. Reaching out to customers in this way is an easy way to collect feedback about why they have cancelled.

2. Offer an Incentive or a Deal

If a customer appears to be interested in staying with you, offering an incentive or discount can be a helpful way to retain their business. Think of this as giving a customer a reason to pause and consider whether or not they actually want to cancel. Any incentive or deal you offer should be tailored to the customer’s individual needs. For example, if a customer originally signed up for a yearly subscription, offering them an additional three months for free may be a great deal.

3. Ask For a Referral

When a customer is leaving, asking for a referral can be a great way to try and retain their business. Customers may stay subscribed in exchange for a referral or a chance to receive a discount. Offering customers a referral program can be a great way to provide them with an incentive to stay. Plus, it’s an easy way to grow your customer base!

4. Follow Up

When a customer has opted to cancel their subscription, be sure to reach out afterwards to check in and see how you can help. Following up with customers is a great way to show that you care about their experience. Plus, it can help to build a strong relationship with them in case they decide to come back in the future.


  • When a Member cancels their subscription, there are a few things you can do to try and retain their business. Ask why, offer an incentive or a deal, ask for a referral, and follow up. Taking the time to actively manage subscription cancellations can help you retain customers, offer excellent customer service, and grow your business.

  • If a member cancels their subscription, their access to the membership area will be immediately revoked.

  • If your policies stipulate refunding partial months in the event of a member cancelling after payment, please note that the system does not initiate this refund automatically. Manual refund processing within your payment processor is required.

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