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"Incomplete" payments in Stripe
"Incomplete" payments in Stripe
Updated over a week ago

Some transactions may sometimes appear as "Incomplete" in your Stripe account.

An "incomplete" transaction means that no transaction has been made.

How does it work?

Whenever a checkout page is displayed to a user, Stripe puts aside an invoice number for that potential transaction. This creates a "payment intent".

Stripe categorises a transaction as "incomplete" when a "payment intent" was created, but your user never completed the payment on the checkout page.

In other words, an incomplete transaction means the user went to the payment or checkout page, but never took action. When it comes to an incomplete transaction, the sale was simply not made.

Take advantage of the situation

Don't hesitate to click on your incomplete transactions in Stripe! Each incomplete transaction hides information that can be useful.

By clicking on an incomplete transaction, you'll access its description page. The "Metadata" section will let you know which user went to the payment page for the course in question.

The same user viewed multiple payment pages, but never bought anything? A discount coupon created only for this user can be a simple incentive that ultimately gets him to take action!

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