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Enroll/Unenroll a Single Student in a Course
Enroll/Unenroll a Single Student in a Course

This article reviews how to manually enroll and unenroll a single student from a course in your CCK academy.

Updated over a week ago

Students can automatically enroll themselves into a course by completing your checkout process.

However, there are times where a school owner or admin might want to manually enroll students into a course. When a student is manually enrolled in a course, they do not pay for the course or have to complete the enrollment process themselves.

You can manually enroll new or existing students into a specific course. You can also manually unenroll, or remove, a student from a course.

Enroll an existing student into a course

If the contact already has an account in your school, you can manually enroll them into a new course by completing the following steps:

  1. Navigate to your Contacts module.

  2. Select a specific contact and open its profile.

  3. Open the Groups tab.

  4. Select Manage Groups and add the correct member group for the contact.

  5. Click Confirm.

If you would like to manually enroll more than one student at a time into a course, you can use user bulk actions.

Unenroll students from a course

To unenroll a student from a course:

  1. Navigate to your Contacts module.

  2. Select a specific contact and open its profile.

  3. Open the Groups tab.

  4. Select Manage Groups and untick the course member group for the contact.

  5. A contact can not have zero member groups selected if they previously had a member group or were previously a member. For this reason, we recommend that you create a No Course Access member group so that you can assign previous students to this member group if you want to remove a contact from a course. The system will automatically assign any contacts that you remove from the member groups of to this No Course Access member group.

  6. Click Confirm.

If you would like to manually unenroll more than one student at a time from a course, you can use user bulk actions.

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