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Using Bank Transfers
Using Bank Transfers
Updated over a week ago

If you select "Bank Transfer" as a payment option inside your CCK store, you give your customer the option to pay via bank transfer on your checkout page.

If you select "Bank Transfer" as a payment option, the following happens:

  1. You give your customer the option to pay via bank transfer on your checkout page.

  2. Your customer is regstered on the CCK system as a contact, the moment they check out and will receive welcome emails, but they do not have any access to your memberships yet. If you created a bank transfer for a digital product, the digital product confirmation email will not be sent yet.

  3. Only, once you manually changed a payment as completed inside your CCK store, will your customer receive their membership login details and any digital product download emails.

  4. The customer is not added to a member group. Do not update the member group manually, the CCK system will do this automatically once you mark the payment as completed.

  5. The customer does not receive any product tags, as the product has not yet been purchased. For this reason your customer will not receive any confirmation emails.

  6. You need to keep checking if the payments went into your bank account, the CCK system can not do this for you.

  7. Once you can see that the customers paid or transfered the money into your bank account, you go into your CCK store and select the "Mark as paid" and "Mark as completed" options under your client's orders.

  8. After you manually clicked these options, the CCK system will add the relevant course member group and tags and send the login emails and relevant details and emails to your customer.

Set up Bank Transfer as a Payment Option Inside Your CCK Store

To activate the "Bank Transfer option inside your CCK store, click on Settings > Paypments and select Connect Bank Transfer from the list.

When you use the bank transfer option in your CCK store, you have to add your bank details in the relevant sections (as shown in the image below).

The Additional Info section is where you should type your bank details. This is shown on the checkout page and is the details the customer needs to make payment.

The Instruction section is shown on the invoice (send via email) after the order is placed. In this section, we recommend sharing information on the fact that the customer will only receive access to the paid product once their payment has cleared in your bank account. You can also share your bank account details here again.

Once you activated the Bank Transfer option inside your CCK store, the Additional Info information will be shown on your checkout page as per below:

The Instruction section is shown on the invoice (send via email) after the order is placed - as per below. No further system emails will be sent to your customer. If you want to send additional emails to your bank transfer customers, you need to create additional email automations.

Confirmation Email for Unpaid Bank Transfers

It's easy to create an automatic confirmation email for Bank Transfer customers using the CCK email automations.

A confirmation email lets your bank transfer customer know that they still need to transfer the money to your bank account before they receive access to their products or services.

To set this up, open your Email & Automations section on your CCK website and create a new blank email automation. See an example below:

Automation Start Trigger:

  • When contact makes a purchase (see screenshot below)

Trigger Settings:

  • Purchase Criteria - not paid orders (see screenshot below)

  • Trigger for orders including a product + select the exact product (see screenshot below)

Email Example:

Complete or Confirm Bank Transfers Inside Your CCK Store

Once a customer's payment has cleared in your bank account, you can mark the payment as complete inside your CCK store.

Please note, that the CCK system can not check your bank account - you have to keep checking your own bank account and manually complete all bank transfer payments inside your CCK store.

Steps to complete a bank transfer inside your CCK store:

  1. Open your CCK Store area.

  2. Click on the Orders menu item on the left side of your screen.

  3. Select All Time and The whole store at the top of the page to view all of your orders.

  4. Bank Transfer orders will be shown under the Payment column.

  5. Mark the order as Paid by selecting the Not Paid option

  6. Mark the order as Completed by selecting the Pending option

How to mark an order as paid inside your CCK store area:

How to mark an order as complete inside your CCK store area:

The CCK system will show a pop-up message, asking you if you want to notify your customer via email that you received their funds and marked their order as complete. If you click Yes, the CCK system will send a new order confirmation email or invoice email through to your customer.

This is the email that your customer will receive if you click Yes in the notification email:

Confirmation Email for Paid Bank Transfers

Once your customer has transferred their funds and you marked the order as complete and paid inside your CCK store area, you have the option to send another automatic email to your customer.

A confirmation email lets your bank transfer customer know that their payment was received and that they will receive login details via email or their digital product email from the CCK system.

To set this up, open your Email & Automations section on your CCK website and create a new blank email automation. See an example below:

Automation Start Trigger:

  • When order status changes (see screenshot below)

Trigger Settings:

  • Order status changed to completed (see screenshot below)

  • Purchase Criteria - Paid Orders (see screenshot below)

  • Select the exact product (see screenshot below)

Email Example:

If your product was a digital product with a download link, your customer will only receive this email once you marked their order as paid and complete.

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