Processing Fees as Cash

This article shows how to process fees as cash in your system transactions.

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago

A lot of clubs use CourtReserve to keep up with their financial information.

However, if you have another provider collecting your payments, you can still use CourtReserve to keep record of your club's transactions (keep track of the fees and then tally them up each month). To do this, we'll set up Court Fees.

Court Fees for Reservations

  1. First, we'll go to SETTINGS > BOOKING SETTINGS > COSTS

2. From here, we can CREATE court costs based on Membership Type.

Or, we can create a custom court cost under a specific membership type and have that be the pricing for that particular membership (see 'Member' in red square).

Let's say we want to create a Court Fee for 'Doubles' reservation type for the Family Membership.

3. Now, if we go back to the Court Cost screen, we'll see it appear here:


Fees for Events

If we go to EVENTS, we can 'Create a New Event' and add pricing. Here, you can customize the pricing of this event based on membership type:


Fees for Lessons

If you have lessons at your club, don't forget to setup your Instructor Pricing



Recording Fees

Now that we have fees setup for the club, we'll go to TRANSACTIONS > TRANSACTION LIST:

Now, we can create filters for this, (I used the Current Month filter if you are wanting to reconcile these transactions each month):

Also, make sure to leave everything as 'ALL' to include every transaction and fee that has been recorded in your system.

Now, if we click the checkmark (as indicated above), this will check ALL transactions listed here for this month. This way, you don't have to go in and manually click each one.

We'll go to the right side of the screen and click 'PAY'

And now, your transactions are marked as 'PAID' for that month.

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