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Configuring Memberships
Customize The Membership Feature List
Customize The Membership Feature List

Promote Membership Features on the Member Portal Public Page

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated this week


  • Feature Summary: Promote memberships by displaying custom features.

  • Use Cases: The member portal's anonymous (i.e. public) page has links to membership options. When a visitor lands on the page and clicks a link, CourtReserve displays a default list of membership features. System users can add custom features to the list and update the copy on the public page.

The member portal public page is a web page designed for non-members. The URL of this page is different from the member portal login URL.


Follow these steps to find the link for the member portal public page.

  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.

  2. Go to the side menu and select SETTINGS > PORTAL SETTINGS.

  3. Click the Setup icon. A new page displays.

On the Member Portal Settings page, click the Portal link or Short Portal Link (both links open the same page).


To view the membership options and features, the user clicks the link in the navigation (i.e. Membership Options). On the next page, the user clicks a Join button.

The page displays plan pricing and the default features generated by CourtReserve. The list also includes custom features created by the system user, if any.

Adding custom features

To customize the features list for one membership plan:

  1. Go to the admin dashboard.

  2. Go to the side menu and click MEMBERSHIPS.

  3. On the Memberships table, select the Individual or Family tab.

  4. Select a plan and click the Edit icon.

On the next page:

  1. Click the Portal Settings tab.

  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.

  3. Click the Add Additional Feature button.

Enter a feature description and then click Save changes. Click Save Changes again on the next page.


CourtReserve adds the item(s) to the list of features.

Adding an item to the list helps promote the membership plan but does not enable the feature on the platform. The system user needs to configure platform settings to make sure this feature is available with the membership plan.

Changing the navigation link label

System users can customize the public page link label in the navigation.

  1. Go to the side menu and select MEMBERSHIPS.

  2. Go to the Membership Settings tab.

  3. Go to the Membership Menu Link for Anonymous Users field and enter new text.

  4. Click Save.

Hiding the features list

System users can hide all features for all membership plans.

  1. Go to the side menu and select MEMBERSHIPS.

  2. Go to the Membership Settings tab.

  3. Go to the Hide Feature Lists on Membership Purchase Page field and check the box.

  4. Click Save.

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