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Add Files to the Repository
Add Files to the Repository

Save Digital Resources in One Location

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: Save organization files in one secure online location.

  • Use Cases: The File Repository is a free add-on feature that is disabled by default. If enabled by a system user, the organization can upload and save documents, images, and video content (for club use). System users can limit access to these files.


The first step is to enable the add-on.

  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.

  2. Click SETTINGS > ADD-ONS on the side menu.

  3. Click the Manage Add-ons icon. A new page displays.

On the new page:

  1. Scroll down to the File Repository heading.

  2. Check the box.

  3. Click I Agree in the popup.

  4. Click the Setup button. A new browser tab displays.

After the initial setup. system users can access the File Repository with a different path:

  • SETTINGS > PORTAL SETTINGS > Website. Click the File Repository tab.

Uploading files

On the Add File page, click Select files to upload a file (maximum file size 25 MB) from your device. Enter a unique file name and then click Save. Repeat the steps to add more items.

CourtReserve creates a new table row for each item.

Managing files

  • To share a file, click the Copy URL button. System users, could, for instance, add the link to an email to share resources.

  • To download a resource, click the Edit button.

  • To permanently remove an item from the repository, click Delete and then Delete in the confirmation popup. Note that there is no undo option.

Sorting and searching

To sort the list of resources, click the File Type field and select an option. Use the search tool to scan the records. The search tool looks at information in four columns: Name, File Type, Author, and Date.

Managing user access

All system users with an Admin role can access the File Repository. Admins can grant users who have a Sub-admin or Coordinator (with Sub-Admin permissions) role access to the file repository. To enable this permission:


  2. Click the System Users icon.

  3. Click the Sub-Admins or Coordinators tab.

  4. Select a user and click the Edit button.

  5. Scroll down to the Allow To Manage File Repository line.

  6. Check the box to enable access (or uncheck to disable access).

  7. Click Save.

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