Check-in Statuses

Manage Player Check-In Options

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: System users create and use check-in status options.

  • Use Cases: CourtReserve comes pre-loaded with three check-in status options: Checked-In, Late Arrival, and No-Show. System users can edit these labels and create new options.

These check-in status options are only used by system users. On the player side, a player is recorded as checked in or not checked if a kiosk self check-in system is enabled. No other status options are used on the player side.


  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.

  2. Click SETTINGS on the side menu.

  3. Scroll down to the ORGANIZATION SETTINGS heading.

  4. Click the Check-In Statuses icon. A new page displays.

Check-In Statuses

  1. Make sure the Enabled option is selected. If disabled, system users cannot apply a status option to a player. The platform only records checked in or not checked in.

  2. Click the green button to create a new status option.

  3. Click the Edit Order button to change the display order of the options as they appear in the admin's drop-down menu.

  4. Click a button to update a status option or delete it.

Creating a status

Click the green button and fill in the fields.

After saving the form, CourtReserve adds the status to the table.

Editing the display order

Click and drag a table row to a new location.

After saving the update, CourtReserve changes the order of options on the drop-down menu when a system user manually checks in a player.


To assign a check-in status to a player, system users can access bookings from the RESERVATIONS or SCHEDULERS (if enabled) tabs on the side menu.

  1. Open a booking and locate a player's name.

  2. Click the Check-In button.

  3. Select an option on the drop-down menu.

Revert a status

To change the check-in status, click the Revert icon. CourtReserve changes the status back to not checked-in. Click the Check-In button again and select a new status.

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