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Idle Accounts

Learn about Idle accounts, and how to prevent them

Updated over a week ago

Idle accounts are accounts that do not have a next reminder action.
(This could be they are at the end of their workflow, or assigned to a workflow with no actions)

This means the account is no longer receiving any follow up through CreditorWatch Collect.

NB: Accounts will remain in Idle even if new invoices are being issued.

Tips for preventing an account becoming Idle

  • Set your Workflows to automatically escalate.

  • Make sure your workflows give the debtors enough opportunities to make payment.

  • End your workflow with a call (Your Receivables Specialist can advise next steps).

  • Follow up on email replies and invoice queries quickly and efficiently.

  • Pause any accounts in the app that are working through disputes.

  • Keep contact details up to date.

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