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Accelerating Membership Course Delivery
Accelerating Membership Course Delivery

How to receive training materials faster than once a week.

Chuck Duff avatar
Written by Chuck Duff
Updated over a week ago

Interested in receiving more than one course every week? Did you pay for the CTB™ Membership in one single payment? We can help!

If you message us on chat and say that you're interested in waiving your 30 day trial, we can provide you with as much or as little training at one time as you'd like. We often recommend starting with the first 20 weeks: The Shoulder Module. We will simply email you a waiver form and then expedite your training. You are welcome to receive the entire year once you are fully paid.

NOTE: You will always have lifetime access to the materials, it never expires no matter what format you choose to receive the material in.

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