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How can I use the Cuez Prompter together with the Automator?
How can I use the Cuez Prompter together with the Automator?

Learn how the Automator and Cuez Prompter can work together, offering expanded functionality to the Prompter

Updated over a week ago

What is the Cuez Prompter?

Cuez has its own built-in Prompter that syncs with your Episode. You can open the Prompter on any device with a browser and an internet connection.

As the Prompter automatically syncs with your Cuez Episode, this means that any changes made to an Episode will automatically - and immediately - sync to the Prompter, allowing you to quickly and easily keep your Prompter output up-to-date.

The Prompter output can be customized to your needs, meaning that you can configure which Blocks to display, the font size, whether or not the output should be mirrored, adjust spacing, scroll speeds and more.

More information about the Cuez Prompter in general can be found in the Cuez Prompter collection.

Why and how to use the Cuez Prompter together with the Automator?

If you are an Automator user, using the Cuez Prompter via Automator offers certain advantages, as well as extra features.

Opening the Cuez Prompter via Automator

To open the Cuez Prompter via Automator, you'll first need to know the IP address and port of your Automator. If your Automator is installed on the same computer you are on, then the IP address and port would be http://localhost:7070 by default.

  • If your URL already contains the '/' at the end (e.g. http://localhost:7070/) then add ?prompter so you can go to http://localhost:7070/?prompter.

  • If your URL doesn't contain the '/' yet at the end (e.g. http://localhost:7070) then make sure to add /?prompter.

The Cuez Prompter now loads the same way as it does via Cuez itself.

Automatic loading of the Episode

When using the Cuez Prompter from Cuez itself, the Prompter uses a unique link per Episode. The result is that, whenever you want to ready your prompter for your upcoming show/event, you'll have to go in the Episode to get the Prompter link, to then load it in your browser (or the browser of the device you'll be using as the prompter).

When using the Cuez Prompter via Automator, there is no need to get the unique link per Episode. Whenever you load an Episode in the Automator, the Cuez Prompter via Automator will automatically load the same Episode for you. This also means that, each time you switch Episodes in the Automator, your Cuez Prompter (via Automator) will nicely follow along and switch Episodes as well.

Configuring the Cuez Prompter via the Automator

The configuration of the Cuez Prompter when using it via the Automator works the same way as it does via Cuez itself. See How can I configure the Cuez Prompter to my needs? for more information on the available configuration settings.

Connecting a ShuttleXpress jog wheel

To connect a ShuttleXpress to the Cuez Prompter via Automator, click the icon in the top left corner of the Prompter to see the option to connect the device.

Setting the ShuttleXpress scroll speeds remains via the settings in the top right corner of the Prompter. Here you can set the 7 different speeds at which the text should scroll when using a ShuttleXpress jog wheel to control the Prompter text.
​(for example - in order - 1, 3, 6, 9, 11, 18, 30)

Master/slave function

The Cuez Prompter via Automator contains a master/slave function, allowing you to have a 'master' Prompter (e.g. for the operator) and a 'slave' Prompter that follows along with the actions of the master Prompter.

Controlling the Cuez Prompter via Automator

Once everything is set up and configured as needed, you can now control your Prompter as usual (whether it is set up as master/slave or just a single instance on its own).

Using a keyboard

  • Spacebar: start/stop scrolling at predefined speed

  • B: start/stop scrolling at predefined speed

  • D: go back to the top of the Episode

  • S: go back to the top of the Episode

  • L: get an overview of all Parts & Items as a shortcut to navigate from one to the other

  • Arrow left/right/up/down: navigate between Blocks in the Episode

  • Esc (escape): make the screen black

These keyboard shortcuts can also be programmed on a Stream Deck for example.

Using a ShuttleXpress

See Connecting a ShuttleXpress jog wheel for more information.

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