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How can I manage my Project(s)?

Find out how to manage Project Members, as well as how to archive/unarchive or delete/restore a Project

Updated over a month ago

Managing a Project can be done in two ways:

  1. From the Project Episodes page (only available for Project 'Admins')

  2. From the Project management on the Organization settings page (only available for Organization Owners)

1. From the Project Episodes page

  • Open the Project you want to manage

  • Next to the name of your Project, click the blue button with the three vertical dots

    • Select 'Archive Project' to archive the current Project (or unarchive in case it was already archived)

    • Select 'Delete Project' to delete the current Project (only an Organization Owner can restore a deleted Project if needed)

2. From the Project management

Go to 'Projects' in the top left and select 'Organization settings & billing' from the menu. (only available for Organization Owners)

The 'Active Projects' page will load automatically, if not, you can select it from the menu on the left. If you want to see the archived Projects, go to 'Archived'. For deleted Projects, go to 'Deleted'.

Active Projects

To manage your active Projects, select the 'Active' section. This page will show a list of the active Projects for your Organization, as well as allow you to create a new Project (see How can I create a new Project? for more information).

For each Project you can:

Archived Projects

To manage your archived Projects, select the 'Archived' section. This page will show a list of the archived Projects for your Organization.

For each Project you can see the same information and perform the same actions as mentioned above ('Active projects'), with the only difference being that this screen allows you to unarchive a Project.

See How can I archive a Project? and How can I unarchive an archived Project? for more information on how to archive and unarchive Projects.

Deleted Projects

To manage your deleted Projects, select the 'Deleted' section. This page will show a list of the deleted Projects for your Organization.

Attention: We keep the deleted Projects for 90 days. After the 90 days have passed, you will not be able to retrieve it, neither will we.

For each Project you can see the same information as mentioned above ('Active Projects'), but the available actions are limited. For a deleted Project you can:

  • Choose to restore the Project (see How can I restore a deleted Project? for more information on how to restore a previously deleted Project)

  • Choose to permanently delete the Project

    • Attention: This action is irreversible. Once a Project is permanently deleted, it can no longer be retrieved - not by you, not by us.

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