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Protocol Template Creation; Getting started

Step 2; Name it, categorize it, and add documents to it

Written by Kevin Conard
Updated over a week ago

Create a Protocol Template

  1. From the Dashboard, click Protocol Templates.

  2. Click "Add a Protocol Template" button.

Template Name
3. Enter a Template name (required) that is a unique name across your Lab and personal library.

Add Protocol Document

4. Click "Add Protocol Document" button to attach the first reference document for your Protocol Template. (For Example: The first document might be your lab's existing protocol, a published journal article, an SOP, or online manual.) At the 'Select a Protocol Document' screen, (not shown), and you will be taken to the document library where you can filter your documents by type in the library or alternatively, you can enter the first three letters of the document name in the search bar - (not shown). When you locate your document, click the 'Select' button and you will be returned to the 'Add a Protocol Template' screen with the document added. If you'd like to 'Add More Documents', click on the button and repeat step these steps

5. Specify the protocol type, Growth and Expansion, Reprogramming, Gene Editing, Differentiation, or Other, (Required).

Once this steps are complete, you will be ready to begin adding actions to your protocol template.

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