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Manage Your Cell Culture Lab with CultureTrax
Protocol Templates
Protocol Template Creation; Adding Materials to Actions
Protocol Template Creation; Adding Materials to Actions

Step 4; Adding single ingredient materials and recipes to actions

Kevin Conard avatar
Written by Kevin Conard
Updated over a week ago

Action types in CultureTrax have two basic functions. The first function is that they inform the scientist about the state of the cells in culture. Actions that remove the cells from the culture track, passage, harvest endpoint assay, etc, and actions that continue the cells in culture such as feed. The second function is as a container for action details. The amount and lots of materials that are used in culture and any data/observations.

Action Materials
1. Click 'Select from Material Library' and you will be taken to the material library
2. You can either type 3 letters of the material name into the search bar or filter the material by type, Matrix in this example.
3. Click Select on the desired material to add it to your Action. Continue to add materials by repeating steps 12-14 until your Action materials are fully defined.

4. Add a descriptive method for your Action. While this field is optional, It is good practice to add the specific method you follow to execute your cell culture Action. If this Protocol Template will be shared with other Lab members or collaborators, you can provide them with the details they'll need to successfully replicate the protocol. You can copy and paste directly from your protocol document, upload a document/image, insert a link to a URL, or even insert a video to detail the steps required for your culture Action. Use the toolbar buttons to format the method to your liking.

Protocol Documents
5. Adding a document to your Action is optional. When you click the 'Add Protocol Document' button you will be taken to a 'Select a Document' screen to find the one you want or you can Upload a New Document from there. If you locate a document to add to your Action, click the 'Select' button and you will be returned to the 'Create Action' screen with the document added (not shown). If you'd like to 'Add More Documents', click on the button and repeat this step.

Create Action
6. Click 'Create Action' and you'll be returned to the Add Protocol Template Screen with your Action added to your Action Timeline. Note: Clicking 'Create Action' adds the Action to your Protocol Template but it does not 'save your Protocol Template'.

Action Timeline

7. After you create your Action, you will see it listed on the Protocol Timing tab in the Action Timeline section of your Protocol Template with the day(s) you assigned highlighted in gray.

8. Continue to add actions until all of your Actions for your Protocol Template are fully defined.

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