Welcome to our video series of how to create your very first proposal! Each portion is broken out into chunks so you can watch them at your leisure. Let's get started!
#1 Prerequisites
First things first! You'll want to access the settings page and get your account set up to get started with your proposals. Go ahead and get your tax rates set up under profitability and accounting, as well as your markup profiles and item categories. You'll need the latter to sort your recipe components accordingly. Some of the most used categories are flowers, ingredients, fees, and so on, depending on what's your industry.
You'll find other functionalities such timezone, currency and custom measuring units to apply to your recipe components.
If you'd like your clients to pay for their proposals from the comfort of their homes, don't forget to access the payments tab as well and set up your preferred credit card processor!
Other pages that you might want to check out are the contacts and the catalog, which will allow you to add your recipe components in advance. You may also add all these along as you create the proposal, if you prefer, and so let's jump right into it!
#2 Getting Started
You'll want to access your events page, which show a list of all events added to your account, and click on "+ new event" at the top right. A pop up will appear for you to add the name of the new event and other needed information to get the event started, such as the event date and the contact linked to the event. Once ready click on "Continue" to access the event page and add any further details before heading to the workroom.
Remember to click on the pencil button to edit the event page. You may change the information that you've already added beforehand, and also add other details, like guest count, event details notes or production notes. Then click on "save" to save the changes. When you're ready, go ahead and click on "workroom" to access the workroom of the proposal.
#3 Navigation in the Workroom
There are a couple of functionalities at the top of the workroom page that's worth noticing, before getting started with our recipes and contracts.
Firstly, you'll find the "publish" button and the versions menu. Anytime you publish the proposal, you're creating a new version, which also shows as the public view which your client may have access to. You can access this and any other version of the proposal via the dropdown menu at the top left.
To send the public view of the proposal to your client, you'll want to click on "share". A module will pop up that will allow you to build an email for your client including the proposal link. Also, you may simply copy the link onto your clipboard to then paste it on your browser's address bar to access the public view, or even download a PDF file of your proposal!
Lastly, there's the settings wheel icon at the top right. There, you may set up the default markup profile to apply to the whole proposal, although you may change it by item as well. You may also change the proposal theme and add an expiration date for the public view to be accessible for a specific period of time.
#4 Cover and Inspiration Board Sections
This video covers the cover and inspiration board sections of the workroom.
These are both sections where you may add images to give personality to your proposal and guidance to your client as to what style you're going for.
Feel free to click on any image field on those boards to open the media library and upload images from your computer or even Pinterest. You may also manage your images within your library and move them between folders in order to store them better!
#5 People & Vendors, Dates & Locations Sections
This video covers the People & Vendors, Dates & Locations sections of the workroom.
The People & Vendors section will show the contact linked to the proposal by default. You may then add as many more contacts linked to the event, such as friends and relatives to the client involved in the event, or vendors, such as event planners, florists, caterers, photographers, etc., simply by clicking on the plus button at the top right. At the bottom of the box, there's also a text field that will allow you to add a description of the event.
Below it, you'll find the Dates & Locations box, which will show the event's date and times by default, but will also allow you to add any other dates or times relevant to the event, such as delivery times, ceremony, reception, etc., again, by clicking on the plus button at the top right.
#6 Proposal Details (Orders) Section
This video covers all the basics of adding products and recipes to an event! Tons of tips and tricks are shared in this video to help speed up the creating process for future proposals.
You may open the orders section by clicking on the proposal details box, the "edit" button at its top right, or even access the "Orders" tab at the very top of the proposal. Either way, you'll be managing all the line items and components offered in your proposal.
You may separate your line items in as many section as you'd like. Then, either add the line items' data on its own row within the section, or click on the arrow button at the lefthand side. That will open the editing module of the line item, which also includes a recipe tab that will allow you to add your recipe components, as well as add the tax rates and markups applied to them.
#7 Payments
This video covers how to setup a payment schedule, entering payments if you're taking payments outside of Curate and begins the discussion of Payment integration.
Similarly to "Orders", you may open the payments section by clicking on the scheduled payments box, the "edit" button at its top right, or access the "Payments" tab at the very top of the proposal. That will allow you to add, edit and manage your scheduled payments and received transactions.
Click on "+ Add scheduled payment" to add a new payment. The amount of the payment maybe be a percentage of the whole total, or you may set all the payments to be divided equally from the total. You may also customize the amount at will. To mark a payment as paid, you'll just want to click on "+Add transaction" for the same amount of that payment. You'll also be able to add notes to that transaction as well.
#8 How to build out your contract
This video covers the basics of setting up a contract in the system. We have have a light discussion on how contract templates work.
Contracts have their own tab as well. To add a contract, you'll just want to click on the plus button at the top of that page. Then you'll be able to edit your contract at will. You may add more than one contract and more signatures as well, by clicking on the plus button below the signatures. To sign the contract yourself, as the company, you'll just want to click on "Add Your Signature".
#9 It's time to publish and sharing the event!
We're at the finish line! We're now ready to publish the event so it can be shared with your client! This will also cover how to create a PDF file of the event for sharing or safe keeping.