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CRM Automation
Angel Diaday avatar
Written by Angel Diaday
Updated over a week ago

Here at Cybercrew, you will get an automated CRM workspace. Reduce response times and resolve issues immediately with powerful AI chatbots and Custom Bots.

The features of CRM Automation

Presenting an advanced feature within our CRM system: automation. This functionality streamlines processes, enhances efficiency, and optimizes workflow management for heightened productivity.

  • Complete Self-Service

    Bots use machine learning to accelerate resolution times for your customers-even if your team is busy or offline.

  • Easy-To-Train Automation

    Resolution Bot automatically recognizes similar questions from past conversations to serve up the answer you deem best.

  • Goodbye Repetitive Work

    Chatbot responds to questions that get asked over and over, so your team can focus on more productive tasks.

  • Automation While Typing

    Speed up self-service by offering relevant answers based on what customer are typing-before they even hit the enter key.

  • Bots in Different Languages

    Make 24/7 global support easier for your team by automating answers in 38 languages.

  • Bots in Different Time Zones

    Your team doesn't have to be online for our bots to start conversations, route qualified leads, and collect customer info for you.

  • Customization

    Choose who the bot speaks to and how it answers based on criteria like customer spend, business type, and more.

  • Proactive Support

    Save your team time by solving your customers' problems before they contact you.

  • Automate Common Questions

    Brings you upleveled support automation that scales your team by resolving 33% of common questions for you.

  • Improve Response Time

    The bot show a 44% improvement in customer response times.

  • Feedback Loops

    Built-in feedback loops to clearly see what's working, or how to make articles better for your customers.

  • Automate Feedback

    Track how customers are rating your content, or collect more thorough feedback if they can't find an answer.

Do you need help in setting up your CRM Workspace for Lead Generation, Customer Engagement, and Customer Support?

To learn more about the subscription, you may click here.

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