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Generating reports

Use Myndlift's beautiful and easy-to-create reports to share results with your clients

Updated over a week ago

Once your clients are up and running on the Myndlift platform, you’re going to want to start sharing results with them. Myndlift helps you do this by beautifully and automatically displaying these results in a report which can be shared with your client immediately.

We’re going to take a look at how to generate a report, what the report will look like, and how to share it with your client.

To get started, head over to the Reports tab on the client’s profile page and hit the ‘generate new report’ button. You’ll see the create report page - and this is where the fun begins.

Here you are able to generate a single session report, an insights report, and more importantly, a comparison report between 2 sessions or 2 assessments!

To generate a session comparison report, you may use the filters at the top to change any of the report modules you see here. Then select the dates of the sessions you wish to compare.

Scroll down to add the relevant modules one by one. You may also customize the title or subtitle of each module, and then add it to the report.

Any modules you’ve added appear here on the left side, where you can arrange them in any order you like.

Once you’ve added all the modules you wish to show, hit ‘view report’ to see a preview of what the final report will look like. Once you’re happy with it, click Generate Report, and your client will be able to see it immediately within their app! You may also share it with them via email.

Generating an assessment comparison report is quite similar. To do so, make sure to click over to the Brain Assessments Data tab within the report generator tool. You may only generate an assessment comparison report when your client has completed at least two assessments. Simply choose the dates of the assessment in the Pre and Post Assessment fields, and select the modules to add to the report. View, generate, and share the report just as we did with the session report.

You may always view a report later by going to the Reports tab on your clients’ page.

For more details on progress report generating, please visit this article.

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