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Scalp Distribution Maps

Learn more about Myndlift’s newest feature, and take your client’s assessment to the next level!

Updated over a week ago

Previously, the Myndlift assessment included EEG metrics, ratios, and distribution graphs that provided a summary of each brainwave relating to the state under which they were recorded.

Introducing: Scalp Distribution Maps 🧠

Scalp Distribution Maps are generated for every client who completes an assessment that includes EEG sensing. Yes, this means that even existing assessments will now show the scalp distribution maps!

How are these maps generated?

Myndlift processes the recorded EEG activity for all assessments, and then generates the maps using the acquired client-specific EEG metrics and compares them to values extracted from a normative database (i.e., averaged EEG data that has been age-matched).

The maps are then colored based on the higher or lower amplitude than the database:

  • Red represents a higher amplitude than the database;

  • Blue represents a lower amplitude than the database;

  • Increments are standardized units with 0 indicating no difference compared to the database

The isocontour lines represent increments of the standardized (z-score) units. Black dots represent electrode locations, which include: AF7, AF8, F3, FZ, F4, CZ, TP9, TP10, and O1.

Why is this relevant for my client’s training?

There are thousands of research studies on the wide variety of clinical applications of scalp distribution maps, including memory problems, ADD/ADHD, anxiety, depression, traumatic brain injury (TBI), PTSD, and other mental health conditions.

This is a game-changer because it shows clients and practitioners how spatial patterns of brain waves can change and improve over time. This can even be done using Myndlift's Progress Report Generator which offers a comparison between a client's assessment results!

Do you have any questions?

Schedule a call with the Myndlift Care Team, send your inquiry to, or chat with us through the Myndlift Dashboard!

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