Safety incident reporting and investigation are critical for construction and industrial companies, who work in inherently dangerous conditions and environments filled with potential hazards.
But managing safety incidents can be an admin and organisation nightmare - from managing incident notification and reporting on site - to organising and managing these incidents in a way that makes sending them to the right people, actioning them, investigating them and ultimately understanding what can be improved possible.
Dashpivot's safety incident reporting and safety management system digitises and simplifies these processes for you. Your workers on site can complete digital safety incident reports on-site with mobile or tablet, and all of these forms are then piped into Dashpivot where they are securely stored in the cloud and automatically organised for compliance and safe record keeping. Each one of these incidents can be set up in a smart automated workflow so that the right person is notified of safety incidents and they can sign off (digitally) to send them to the next person for an action or closing out the incident.
From here, the system gives you additional tools to simplify your safety efforts, from being able to format, share, print and download any safety incident report - to being able to display charts and graphs that help you understand patterns in your incident reports and investigations which ultimately enable you to improve your safety processes and safety outcomes over time.
How it works
Key Features
Always have access to the incident report form on the mobile/tablet app
Attach photos on the spot when filling out the form
Notify the right people immediately using automated workflow notifications
Automatically generate a register of all incidents
Over time, identify patterns (eg. certain incidents keep happening, or keep happening in a certain area, or always involve specific people / parties)
Best Practices
Setup your incident template as a workflow to standardise the process
Setup workflow notifications to notify the right person/people
Include a photo field so that visual detail can be added
Include a single-line text field as a title, then in the template settings, display this text field on the form thumbnail so that forms can be identified quickly.
Use list fields where applicable, so that records can be found faster via the register view, and patterns can be identified (eg. certain incidents keep happening, or keep happening in a certain area, or always involve specific people / parties). Using list fields will also allow you to filter by list items on any analytics charts you create to analyse your records.
Getting started
You can access a Free Incident Template from Dashpivot's Template Library. Go to Templates > Add Template > Choose from Free Public Template Library.