Safety checklists are one of the most important safety tools used on construction and industrial sites. Safety checklists, which come in all shapes and sizes from safety audit checklists to hazard identification checklists, ensure that workers have performed the necessary checks to begin or continue conducting work in a safe environment and safe manner.
The problem with safety checklists is that they can be time-consuming, and time-consuming and repetitive tasks often get ignored or 'forgotten'. This has an impact on the safety of your workers, assets, projects and on your own safety compliance and reputation.
Dashpivot solves the admin and record keeping problems associated with traditional safety checklists filled out on paper or in word/excel. The app enables workers to perform safety checklists quickly and easily on their tablet or mobile, which has been specifically designed for ease-of-use and speed (adding photos on the spot), while the software platform enables companies to:ย
Standardise their safety checklist templates to keep data and information capture standardised and organised
Deploy templates to specific projects and teams
Keep a forensic like record of all of the completed safety checklists and inspections
Get real-time insights and detailed analytics about project and safety performance
Dashpivot's safety management system is the smarter way to manage your safety checklists and processes.
How it works
Key Features
Standardise your safety checklists across your workforce
Access and fill out checklists on site using the Dashpivot mobile app (also available for tablets)
Attach photos on the spot while filling out the form in the app
Automatically generate a register of all your checklists
Quickly filter and find checklist records
Easily see how many checklists were filled out over a specified time period eg. last month
Best Practices
Include a photo field so that photos and videos can be attached to the form
Use list fields where applicable (eg. area), to make it easy to find records later via the register view, and filter by the list items on any analytics charts
In the template settings, make sure the forms are sorted by the date on the form (not the creation date)
In the template settings, set the form thumbnail to display the zone/area of the inspection if working on a large site.
Getting started
You can access a range of Free Safety Checklist and Inspection Templates from Dashpivot's Template Library. Go to Templates > Add Template > Choose from Free Public Template Library.