Dashpivot's conditional logic can help you optimise your form templates, by only showing additional fields under certain conditions. This means your forms can be shorter (and quicker to complete), and only expand when additional information is required and relevant.
For example, if someone indicates there were delays experienced, more fields can appear which prompt for more information eg. what happened, when did it occur, who was involved, photos, etc.
This helps optimise your forms by hiding fields that are not relevant 90% of the time, but still show them in cases when they are relevant.
How to use Conditional Logic
Go to a template, and click 'edit template'
Drag in a Yes/No or List field
Set the conditional rules (you can add multiple rules)
Define which fields to display under each condition
Save the template
The following video covers the basics:
What is conditional logic
How to setup conditional logic in your form templates
Examples on the website and in the mobile/tablet app
Hiding and showing the fields based on logic in register view
How PDF downloads display fields based on logic
The following video shows how conditional logic can work in conjunction with:
Required fields (which only apply when the fields are visible)
Common Use Cases:
Here are some of the most common examples where conditional logic is used:
Checklists and Inspections
In this example, we trigger additional photo fields to appear when specific answers are given in the checklist.
Site Diaries and Daily Reports
In this example, we trigger additional fields to appear if the user indicates there was a delay or variation that day.
Pre-starts and Toolbox Talks
In this example, we trigger a prefilled text to appear as a warning, based on the user indicating the type of works selected for the day.