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How to add users to your workspace on Dashpivot Web
How to add users to your workspace on Dashpivot Web

Learn how to invite your team mates into Dashpivot, and what permissions are available

Sam avatar
Written by Sam
Updated over 10 months ago

To start using Dashpivot in collaboration with other people in your team, you'll need to invite them via the Users section.

Key: Depending on what level of access the user requires, will dictate which folder you need to add them to:

  • If they need to be an Org Controller/ Org Member, select the Home Folder

  • If they need to be a Project Controller/ Project Member, select the relevant project folder

  • If they need to be a Team Controller/Team Member, select the relevant team folder


  1. Navigate to the relevant folder (see above)

  2. Go to the Users tab

  3. Make sure the Dashpivot Contributors is selected

  4. Enter the email of the person you'd like to invite

  5. Click Invite

  6. Once invited, you'll see them appear in the user table, with the lowest level of permission available. You have the option to change their permission via the dropdown menu.


  • Team members cannot add other people to Dashpivot

  • Team controllers can add team members

  • Project controllers can add team members AND team controllers

  • Organisation controllers can add all permission types, including other organisation controllers (these are added via the Home Folder)

The person will receive an email notifying them they've been added to that team/project. If they don't already have a Dashpivot account, they will need to follow the prompts to activate their account first.

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