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Explaining user permissions for Dashpivot Contributors
Erin Clazie avatar
Written by Erin Clazie
Updated over a week ago


There are 6 permissions types for Dashpivot Contributors:

1. Team Members

Team members have a standard set of permissions specific to the team folders they have been added to. They are able to:

  • Upload photos, add comments and apply tags

  • Create forms for all templates within the team folder

  • Delete their own photos

  • Delete their own forms

  • View analytics charts

Note: Team members cannot delete other people's information. They can only delete the photos they uploaded, or the forms they created.

2. Team Controllers

In addition to the standard permissions a Team Member has, Team Controllers can also:

  • Add new Templates

  • Add/remove Team Members in the team folder

  • Manage team settings, including team photo tags

  • Delete photos uploaded by anyone in the team folder

  • Delete forms created by anyone in the team folder

Note: Team Controllers can only add Team Members to their team folder. They cannot add new Team Controllers.


3. Project Members

Project Members have the same permissions as Team Members, but for all of the team folders within a project folder.


4. Project Controllers

Project Controllers have the same permissions as Team Controllers for all of the team folders within a project folder, and in addition they can:

  • Add/remove team folders

  • Add/remove Team Controllers in each team folder

  • Manage project folder settings, including: Project lists, Project alignment (KML), and Project photo tags

Note: Project Controllers cannot add other Project Controllers to a project folder.

5. Organisation Member

With the highest level of authority within the organisation, Organisation Controllers have the same permissions as Project Controllers for all of the organisation's projects. In addition they can:

  • View all project folders

  • View all templates in the organisation's Template library

  • View all completed forms across the workspace

  • View all Lists in the organisation's list library

  • View organisation settings, including the organisation's logo and brand colour

  • View all users in the workspace and their permission level

6. Organisation Controllers

With the highest level of authority within the organisation, Organisation Controllers have the same permissions as Project Controllers for all of the organisation's projects. In addition they can:

  • Add/remove project folders

  • Add/remove Project Controllers for each project folder

  • Add/remove Organisation Controllers

  • Add/edit/remove templates in the organisation's Template library, manage Template tabs, and manage template deployment to all team folders

  • Add/edit/remove Lists in the organisation's list library, and manage list deployment to all project folders

  • Manage organisation settings, including the organisation's logo and brand colour

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