There are 3 types of Signature fields available in our form builder
All Signature fields will automatically record the date and time of signing. You can also add multiple signatures to a single field. E.g if there's 1 x Manual Signature field available on the template, it can accommodate multiple signature entries on the form.
Signature: When selected, this field will automatically record the name, date, time & signature of the user logged into Dashpivot/Sitemate.
Manual Signature: This field prompts users to enter their First Name, Last Name, Company, and Signature manually.
Approval Signatures: (only available in Workflow Templates)
This signature type is used for moving forms to the next column of a Workflow. When selected, it will automatically record the name, date, time & signature of the user logged into Dashpivot/Sitemate.
By default, the field label is set to 'Signature'. However you can customise it by clicking directly into the field.
There is also the flexibility to switch between various Signature field types. Simply hover over the field icon to reveal the available options and make your selection.