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What are the different types of signatures in Dashpivot?
What are the different types of signatures in Dashpivot?

Learn the different types of signatures available and how to use them in your templates.

Alice Foglino avatar
Written by Alice Foglino
Updated over 7 months ago

There are different types of signature fields available in our Template Editor, all can be used for different purposes. In this article, we will review the different types of signatures and how they can be used.

Default Signature

It is labelled as 'Signature' in the Template Editor. See below;

Once added to your template, it will look like this;

It can be used by any Dashpivot user (Contributors and Visitors), and Sitemate users. When pressing the 'Sign' button, it will record the user's full name, signature associated with their profile, date and time of signature.

Manual Signature

It is labelled as 'Manual Signature' in the Template Editor. See below;

Once added to your template, it will look like this;

Manual signatures can be used by anyone without a Dashpivot or Sitemate profile. Typically, you would use these when on-site for external stakeholders to manually sign a form. When pressing the 'Sign manually' button, the person will need to manually enter their full name, company name and signature.

Approval Signature

It is labelled as 'Approval Signature' in the Template Editor. See below;

Once added to your template, it will look like this;

Approval signatures are only available in Workflow templates, they are used to move a form from one workflow column to another. Once an approval signature has been recorded, all the fields above that signature become locked.

The only way to make changes to that section is to remove the signature, to unlock the fields above it. This also moves back the form to a previous column.

You can apply conditional logic to your approval signature fields, to have better control on who can approve forms and/or specific sections of a form. See this article on how to set up Approval Signature logic:

Scan Sitemate ID Signature

It is labelled as 'Scan Sitemate ID' in the Template Editor. See below;

Once added to your template, it will look like this;

The Scan Sitemate ID signature field allows your Dashpivot users to scan Sitemate IDs directly onto a form.

For example, your supervisor is running a Toolbox Talk and needs to record the attendance - instead of passing around their device to record manual signatures, or a piece of paper for everyone to write their name, they would scan workers' Sitemate IDs which will populate the table with their full name, company name, signature, date and time of the scanning, and GPS location.

Learn more on the Scan Sitemate ID and scanning process in this article:

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