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What is the register view?
Steph Rooney avatar
Written by Steph Rooney
Updated over a week ago

A register view is a way to view information about templates/forms/analytics within your Dashpivot workspace - formatting the information into a table, with each row representing a record.

You can access the register view in:

  • Templates:

    • By selecting Register, at the top of your Templates tab (either in the Home Folder/Team Folder), you can view each template as it's own row, displaying data such as when the template was last updated, version numbers, template IDs etc.

  • Forms:

    • At the Home Folder level, you'll be able to view forms from any of the folders that the template has been deployed to.

    • At the team folder level, you'll be able to view the Register of forms for just that template, in that folder.

    • The register view is available for both Timeline & Workflow templates.

  • Analytics:

    • Within a Dashboard, you can toggle to the register view to reveal a summary of the charts, chart type, source template and who initially created the chart.

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