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How to submit a Sitemate Form
Erin Clazie avatar
Written by Erin Clazie
Updated over 9 months ago

Once you've added the forms to your Sitemate App, you'll now need to complete the relevant info & submit the form.

Simply navigate to the Forms tab & click onto the form you need to complete. Once finished, click Submit in the top right hand-side.

If you notice the Submit button is greyed out, this means you might have missed signing off on the Approval Signature.

Navigate to the Sign to Approve field on the form, when you've completed all the relevant information. Select it to sign & you'll notice the Submit button will turn green, ready to now submit the form.


  • Once submitted, you are unable to re-access or edit that particular form. If you need to make adjustments, you could re-add the link to submit a new version of the form.

  • Certain fields on a form can be set to Required (meaning information is needed before submitting). If you have missed these fields, an error message will appear & required fields will be coloured in red. They will need to be completed before you're able to submit the form.

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