Counting the number of instances an item from a drop down is selected is possible using the COUNTIF() formula.
To start, navigate to the left tab and choose either a 'Prefilled' or 'Default' under 'Table. The formula is possible for the two. You can set your table and choose whichever column is intended for the drop down selection.
For a prefilled table:
You can add at the last row a cell as your display cell. Use the formula,
=COUNTIF(Range, Item)
For example:
Cells A1 to A5 contain the drop down list, and you're counting for the number of instances "Project Manager" is used. Use the formula,
=COUNTIF(A1:A5, "Project Manager")
For a default table:
You need to add a prefilled table to set your display cell and cross reference the formula to the previous table. Use the formula,
=COUNTIF(Table_n!Range, Item)
For example:
Table 1 Column A contains the drop down lists and you're counting for the number of instances "Engineer" is used. Use the formula
=COUNTIF(Table1!A:A, "Engineer")