You can easily count the number of instances Yes/No is selected in a column at the bottom of your prefilled table.
To start, navigate to the left tab and use a 'Prefilled table' under 'Table'. Enter your data in the data column and select where you want to display your count.
Use the formula COUNTIF() to the display cell:
=COUNTIF(Number1:Number1, "Text")
For example, to count the number of instances "Yes" is selected in Column A and to be displayed in cell B1.
Column A - data column
A1 = "Yes"
A2 = "No"
A3 = "No"
A4 = "Yes"
A5 = "Yes"
B1 - display cell
Therefore the formula:
=COUNTIF(A1:A5, "Yes")
Returns the value, 3.
Note: COUNTIF() is not case sensitive. So if the text is "yes", "Yes", or "YES", then the count is considered.