How do I cross-reference tables in formulas?
How to use Dashpivot Formulas in your templates
How to auto-number rows when adding rows in a default table
How to calculate date/time differences in a row
How to auto populate dates when adding rows
How to set logic to show texts from list drop-downs selections
How to populate text/numbers with Yes/No selections in a row (table)
How to populate texts/numbers from list drop-downs selections in a row (table)
How to count table rows in a default table
How to sum a column at the bottom of a prefilled table
How to average a column at the bottom of a prefilled table
How to duplicate information from one cell to another within one table
How to duplicate info from one cell to another cell in another table (cross-referencing)
How to total Yes/No selections at the bottom of a prefilled table
How to total Yes/No selections from a default table to another table (cross-referencing)
How to sum a column from a default table using another table (cross-referencing)
How to average a column of a default table using another table (cross-referencing)
How to generate a % score at the bottom of a table
How to use IF statements to display disclaimer text in a row
How to generate a Pass/Fail at the bottom of a table based on a count
How to generate an Overall Pass/Fail at the bottom of a prefilled table based on % score
How to total list dropdown selections at the bottom of a table
How to generate an Overall Pass/Fail for a default table based on % score
How to create a summary table at the bottom of form
How to add up the # of rows of a default table
How to calculate a % of fields filled out in a table in a summary table
How to format date fields in a summary table
How to total all instances of list dropdown items in a form
How to total all instances of Yes/No items in a form
How to copy a column from one table to another table
How to copy a row from one table to another table
Use Case Examples - Training: How to generate a % score from pass/fails from employee training
Use Case Examples - Quality/Safety: How to generate a % score from pass/fails from inspections
How to calculate a % of fields with multiple criteria filled out in a table in a summary table
Use Case Examples Daily report: how to create a cost summary from multiple tables (eg. Materials, labour, equipment)
Use Case Examples - Daily report: how to calculate total plant hours for plant items
Use Case Examples - Daily report: how to calculate material costs from unit costs and quantities used
Use Case Examples - Safety: how to create a summary of incidents and incident rate
Use Case Examples - Asset Management: how to display a warning for next service date on equipment
Use Case Examples - Timesheets: how to total labour hours at the bottom of a table (incl. overtime, regular, total)
How to calculate a % score based on list dropdown selections in a row
Safety/Quality: how to display a warning for a reading that is out of range (eg. Temperature)
Use Case Scenarios - Timesheets (weekly timesheet): How to create a summary of labour hours from multiple tables (eg. broken down by total, normal, overtime)
Use Case Scenarios - Timesheets (single employee with multiple projects): How to create a summary of labour hours from multiple tables (eg. broken down by total, normal, overtime)
Use Case Scenarios - Timesheets (multiple teams): How to create a summary of labour hours from multiple tables (eg. broken down by total, normal, overtime)
How to use Dashpivot Formulas in your templates
Full list of supported formulas in Dashpivot
Current formula limitations in Dashpivot
Date and Time Formulas in Dashpivot
Financial Formulas in Dashpivot
Information Formulas in Dashpivot
Logical Formulas in Dashpivot
Text Formulas in Dashpivot
Look Up Formulas in Dashpivot
Statistical Formulas in Dashpivot
Operator Formulas in Dashpivot
Math and Trigonometry Formulas in Dashpivot
How to do a Date and Time Calculation
How to populate a number based on a dropdown selection
How to populate text based on number entered
How to combine cells together
How to calculate a daily cost