Summarising the number of incidents means that you're tallying the number of times an incident has occured as logged in the incident register, and the incident rate is the number of incident days divided by the total number of days.
There are various types of incidents, the following are some examples:
Safety Incidents
Near Misses
Falls from Height
Slips, Trips, and Falls
Security Incidents
Unauthorised Access
Operational Incidents
Equipment Failure
Structural Failure
Utility Disruption
Production Downtime
To start, navigate your cursor to the left tab and choose 'Default' table under 'Table'. A default table is usually used for registers as the number of rows/total logs aren't fixed. Your incident register should closely look like this:
Table 1 Incident Register (Default table)
# | Date Reported | Incident Type | Description | Status | Complete by | Person Responsible |
| (Date field) - B1 | (Dropdown list) - C1 | (Text field) - D1 | (Formula field) - E1 | (Text field) - F1 | (Text field) - G1 |
For example, your Incident Type (dropdown list) list contains the following:
Near Misses
Falls from Height
Use another table (Prefilled table) for your summary and it may closely look like this:
Table 2 Summary/Incident Rate (Prefilled table)
| Counts | Incident Rate |
Accidents/Injuries | (Formula field) - B1 | (Formula field) - C1 |
Near Misses | (Formula field) - B2 | (Formula field) - C2 |
Falls from Height | (Formula field) - B3 | (Formula field) - C3 |
In order to calculate the summary of incidents,
For Accidents/Injuries at Table 2 cell B1:
=COUNTIF(Table1!C:C, "Accidents/Injuries")
For Near Misses at Table 2 cell B2:
=COUNTIF(Table1!C:C, "Near Misses")
For Falls from Height at Table 2 cell B3:
=COUNTIF(Table1!C:C, "Falls from Height")
In order to calculate the incident rates,
For Accidents/Injuries at Table 2 C1:
For Near Misses at Table 2 cell C2:
For Falls from Height at Table 2 C3: