An open API or public API is, to go to the basics and to facilitate its definition, a direct bridge between software applications making it possible to interact and share data.
Our API allows you to automate so many operations (see below under "Routes") related to users, groups, and courses with our LMS (eg deactivate learners in bulk or get the list of portal users).
To get access to the public API of Dokeos:
Go to the page: and replace "myportal" with the name of your portal (or simply add "/public_api/docs/index.html" next to the URL of your portal.
If the portal is:
then, the URL becomes:
It is necessary that the requests sent to the API indicate the API token of the portal (= TENANT_SECRET_TOKEN). This allows to recognize which Dokeos portal is being addressed. This is sort of a unique identification code.
Here's how to find your token (click on the image to display the tutorial):
Our API has been designed to offer you a wide range of integration options.
Here is a list with some routes available in our APIs:
Obtain the list of users
Create a new user
Activate / deactivate a user
Restore details of a user
Obtain the list of groups
Create a new group
Update an existing group
Register a learner to a course
Obtain the list of active courses
Retrieve the statistics of a course / a module
For more information about API, please contact us.